5 August 2020

Wednesday 5th August 2020 Yellow Ball / Scramble

Wednesday 5th August 2020
Yellow Ball / Scramble

The Memorial Trophy scheduled for Monday 17th is now open for entry on the club Computer. You enter as individuals and the draw will be made nearer the time. 

The format is 2 from 3 Stableford with at least one player in each team

 with handicap of >=19.

It's a day when we remember all the Seniors that have passed our way and  gone on to pastures green. We'll display some pictures and anecdotes on the day to bring back their memories.

 Friday is an 'Indoor Roll-Up' - where ironically it will be 25 Degrees plus... it's a 3-ball Stableford, with a tricky start as all 3 scores are counted up to hole 6, then just 2 for the next 6 and an easy run for home with just 1 score to count from 13th to the 18th.

See the source image

Captain's Report

Not a very nice day for golfing but it didn’t stop over 20 seniors turning up to play. The original format of 2 from3 yellow ball was abandoned once it became clear that we didn’t have enough yellow balls for everyone. The first group out Gordon Brent, Clive Fisk and Jeremy Blackburn found out on the 4th that the format had changed to 3 ball scramble. They were not pleased as it is understandable. We could say another event falling victim to circumstances.

With the marquee not open, a quick draw for teams were made outside. Three teams of 3B and two teams of 4B started the game rolling.

Team Chance, Pope & Southgate with a score of 59.5 pipped Team Barrow, Heath, Hall & Hodder to the top position. Results are as follows:

Player 1

Player 2

Player 3

Player 4




Alan Chance

Stuart Pope

Steve Southgate





Barrie Heath

Bob Barrow

Dickie Hall

Nobby Hodder




Colin Ireland

Mark Cording

Peter Spencer-Farr





Roger Davis

John Pearce

Chris Gingell

Norman Markby




Bryan Frost

George Willerton

Dave Mugridge





Ken Trott

Edmondo Paoloni

James Siabi






James Siabi


Not what we expected when we arrived and the course was barely open, with poor visibility and a light drizzle.

Worse was to come as we were told there was nowhere to assemble as the Marquee doesn't open on Wednesday until 10:00 - so Captain had little choice but to gather names on his Laptop , select the teams and try to get us out Playing.

With 17 Players, there was no way we could play a 2 from 3 and with the visibility minimal we opted for the much safer game of a Texas Scramble, which could be easily adjusted from 2 to 3 or 4-balls as others rolled up.

 ..so we managed a scruffy start sheet, with unfortunately a 4-ball insisting once more on playing right in the middle.

weather closed in again and justified decision to abandon Yellow ball which can cause delays and hazards as they are sought...

..he wasn't really hit, but Norman was a hard task-master

No peace for the Committee as they gathered to discuss the captains big Thank-You NHS plans for a week of Golf involving all Sections ( we hope) - including Stuart's big Charity Day on Thurs 17th Sept - so watch out for plenty of ideas and requests for help during the week 14th - 19th September ..do you have any contacts at local Clubs that could offer a round of Golf ?- or Firms that could sponsor a hole or 2 ?

Also would be great if you can offer to contribute cash to be combined for him to buy prizes..

We have heard from Sir Frank, fresh home from his Estate in Portugal - as he & Alyson are now in Quarantine  - so if you see him in the next couple of weeks - no hugging !

See the source image