Challenge Cup

Seniors Challenge Cup & Plate 2025 
Entry Fees 
  • Round 1 Thurs 17th April at Tiverton
    Entry Sheet now on Notice Board
  • Round 2 Friday 23rd May at Minehead
  • Round 3 Wed 4th June at Woodbury Park
  • Final  tbc
Prizes: Optional £2 entry fee per person towards winner takes all for each round.

  • All players must be Paid up Members of the Seniors Section
  • 3 Rounds of individual stableford golf played on 3 away courses.
  •  16 finalist play for the Cup & the rest of the participants who have played at least 1 round qualify for the Plate. 
  • The finals are to be held on tbc at St Pierre Golf course and on the same day at CST. 

Qualifying rules are as follows:
15 Points awarded to the winner of each round
13 Points awarded to the runner up of each round
11 Points awarded to the 3rd placing of each round
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2 points respectively & 1 point for the remaining participants

Seniors Challenge Cup & Plate 2024 

Seniors Challenge Cup & Plate 2024 

Entry Fees 
  • Round 1 £35, 
  • Round 2 £41
  • Round 3 £40 
  • Final £30
Prizes: Optional £2 entry fee per person towards winner takes all for each round.

  • All players must be Paid up Members of the Seniors Section
  • 3 Rounds of individual stableford golf played on 3 away courses.
  •  16 finalist play for the Cup & the rest of the participants who have played at least 1 round qualify for the Plate. 
  • The finals are to be held on Wednesday 24th July at St Pierre Golf course and on the same day at CST. 

Qualifying rules are as follows:
15 Points awarded to the winner of each round
13 Points awarded to the runner up of each round
11 Points awarded to the 3rd placing of each round
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2 points respectively & 1 point for the remaining participants

16 will be playing in the final. Mike Light, Andy Rowland, James Siabi & 3 past Captains (John Pearce [ 5 Point head start for doing 2 years] , Stuart Pope & Norman Markby) are 6 of them plus the top 10 players with most points.  
Round 3 Lyme Regis
Tuesday 11th June  2024

Round 2 Stover
Thursday 16th May 2024

A great day was had by all and everyone commented on the new layout at Stover as a fair but challenging track.

Congratulations to Mark Cording who played extremely well at record 37 points, ahead of Dave Asquith on 35 points.

A special mention to James Siabi who organised a very successful day, and most of those who played want to return next year.

The Result

Todays results & updated leaderboard attached. Please note the qualifiers for the final are based on rounds 1 & 2. Anyone participating in round 3 can overtake most of the current holders of positions 5 - 11.

Round 1:- Monday 15th April 10:36 at Oake Manor Golf Club. Bacon Bap & Coffee on arrival. Please .         Arrive 45 minutes prior to 1st tee time

The Result

 James Siabi: Thank you guys for turning up & giving a go. Although the golf could have been better for most of us in very windy conditions, the positives: weather turned good, course condition much much better than our home turf & of course the company.

A bit of confusion on my behalf on the scores. We had two 35 pointers and I mistakenly declared Captain as the winner, whereas going by last years calculations, people with the same number of points shared the position & the points as well. 

So well done to Andy Rowland  & Mark Kilpatrick, who are the joint winners  (similar to pro competitions)

 Challenge cup R1 Results 


01 A Rowland 35, 14 points

 01 M Kilpatrick 35, 14 points

03. K Barry 34, 10.5 points

03. I Hildred 34, 10.5 points

05. R Forster 31, 9 points

06. T Rutherford 30, 7.5 points

06. M Cording 30, 7.5 points 

 08. D Asquith 29, 5.5 points 

 08. D Hussey 29, 5.5 points 

10. J Siabii 28, 4 points 

11. D Mugridge 27, 2 points 

11. M Hone 27, 2 points 

11. R Davis 27, 2 points

14. R Stevens 26, 1 point

14. M Jewell  26, 1 point

 16. M Leigh 25, 1 point

 17. C Basterfield, 1 point

18. K Hunt 22, 1 point

18. D Dowell 22, 1 point

18. S Pope 22, 1 point

21. J Parkhouse 19, 1 point

22. J Lauchlan 18, 1 point

23. D Gardener 17, 1 point

24. B Heath Retired, 1 point

25. M Light Retired, 1 point

26. C Andrews NR, 1 point

Round 2:- Thursday 16th May 1st tee 9:30 at Stover Golf Course. Bacon Bap & Coffee on arrival.      .         Please arrive 45 minutes prior to 1st tee time

Round 3:- Tuesday 11th June 10:24 at Lyme Regis Golf Club. Bacon Bap & Coffee on arrival. Please .         arrive 45 minutes prior to 1st tee time 

Final  :- Wednesday 24th July 10:27 at St Pierre Golf Club. Please arrive at least 40 minutes prior to 1st tee time.

2023 Challenge Cup Final 14th June at St Pierre 

Derek Gardener
Winner 2023

Note Past Captain's Invitational Guests added to 6 Round Winners.

Winner's Prize £93.00

Runner up Prize £56.00

James Lauchlan
Challenge Plate 2023

Wed 15
th June 2022

Challenge Cup and Plate Finals Day

Chris Andrews Wins The Cup..more later

Andy Beale wins the Challenge Cup Plate with a magnificent 43 points only to be surpassed by Ken Trott (not eligible for the Plate competition) with a stupendous 44 points.

Funny - ,this was Pic of Andy handing Challenge Plate to Clive in 2021 with 40 Points - 12 Months later, Clive hands it back to Andy for winning it with 43 Points in 2022.

Challenge Cup & Plate 2021


Challenge Cup Winner 2021 - Richard Forster

I'll flog this and buy a new Computer

Today's winner with a superb 36 points winning a bottle of the finest bubbly plus the challenge cup to be presented at the AGM, the magnificent Richard Forster,

Challenge Cup

14/06/2023 Derek Gardener R/U John Wandless

15/06/2022 Chris Andrews

2021        Richard Forster

2020        Gordon Brent

02/07/2019 Roger Hinds 40 R/U Danny Dowell

29/06/2018 Barry Singleton 42 R/U Roger Stone

30/06/2017 Nick Clarke 43 R/U John Evans

05/08/2016 Danny Dowell 36 R/U Frank Martin

Challenge Plate

14/06/2023 Jim Lauchlan

15/06/2022 Andy Beale 44 R/U Ken Trott

25/06/2021 Clive Fisk 40

2020         John Twose

02/07/2019 Ron Sutherland 40 R/U Bob Rees

29/06/2018 John Pearce 39 R/U Alan Davis

30/06/2017 Alan Davis 39 R/U Andy Moffat

05/08/2016 Alan Chance 39 R/U Bob Barrow