10 August 2020

Monday 10th August 2020 Super Seniors Cup & Roll-Up Medley

 Monday 10th August 2020

Super Seniors Cup  &  Roll-Up Medley

Re: Today’s Issue with Scorecards,

John Wandless writes :-

21:04 (1 hour ago)

Hi James,
I have now confirmed with Paul Bennett, by phone this evening,  that there no requirements at present, with the Covid- 19 changes to CONGU rules, for marker signatures to be put on cards, or any other form of verification.
The only requirement is to pre-enter the competition and then input your score Into the club computer. Integrity is the rule.
Therefore we cannot disqualify people because of the way their card has been filled and his score stands. Paul Bennett totally agrees that this is the correct interpretation of the current temporary rules
Paul was critical of us checking cards, as this is regarded as prohibited under the England Golf guidelines. We may need to revisit our roll up procedures.
I will close the competition once adequate time has lapsed for you to communicate this ruling to Bob Barrow, and you have confirmed it is good to do so.
John W

Sent from my iPad

From Captain:- 

In view of the above email, we need to make changes to adhere to the club rules. Any main competition that we participate in we must enter the scores on the club computer and the card to go in the box next to the computer just in case it needs to be checked over. Each player in the group marks his own card and records the score of one other player in the group. At the end of the round cross check your scores to make sure that there are no discrepancies.

With rollup games, we have no option but to go back to VPAR. We will do the draw in a way that there is one person in each group that can operate VPAR. We are now approaching the end of summer and soon will be embracing the colder late autumn & winter days. With it unfortunately we will inevitably be dealing with the Corona Virus whether we like it or not. So each person may mark their own card as a reference and verify that his card matches VPAR. I am sorry if this is not acceptable to some people, but safety of each and every one of us is more important than anyone’s way of liking or disliking a method of recording their scores.


Thank you for your understanding.


James Siabi

Wow - just noticed my Handicap has gone up by 2 shots under 'Continuous Handicap Review' - have you checked yours recently ?

Others I've seen are Billy, Bryan, Ian F etc - we've all gained 2 .

Hi Seniors

Just had a quick call from Lisa following misunderstandings this morning, and would like us to clarify the Club’s Marquee opening times on the Blog.

The Club will open the Marquee from 8.00am on Monday and Friday only, for the Seniors Section.

 Tea and coffee will be available but the kitchen will not open for food until 10.00am.

All other days the Marquee will open at 10.00 am for food and hot drinks.


John Wandless

See the source image

 Captain's report


The Super Seniors Cup results are on hold until a decision is made by the Club Handicap Secretary. He defines the rules of competitions with Covid-19 restrictions in place. The potential winner has not verified his card by another player. There is no record of his scores being recorded by anyone else in the group so that it could be cross checked. Until John Wandless hears from Paul Bennett who has defined these rules club wide, the competition results remains undecided. Both myself and John could not make a ruling, hence referred the case to Paul. To stop this sort of issues arising in future games I propose that from now on:

Each person within the group fills the details of one other player in the group and marks the card. After completion of the round, person marking the card will sign and hand over the card to whoever is in charge of checking them. This way we will avoid handling cards and keep in line with club’s directives relating to Covid-19. There is no need for double signing as each card will have the score of the other person in the group which can be cross checked if needed.


Thank you for your co-operation


With the Super Seniors Cup undecided for the time being, 24 seniors turned up for the rollup following the Super Seniors competition. The format of the day was Triple Medley Medal whereby holes 1-6 format was 4BBB, followed by Greensomes for the next 6 and Foursomes for the last 6. Once again we had problems with card markings. Two teams put both the Gross & Nett scores on the card. Please take care filling the Nett/Points column. If unsure, leave it blank rather than incorrect score.

Today’s table of results is as follows:







Nick Hill

John MacOmish






Martin Leigh

Roger Davis






Nobby Hodder

Albi Bonain






Mark Cording

Dougie Oliver






James Siabi

Peter S-Farr






Neil Cochran

Ian Frost






Andy Rowland

Ian Housham



Ken Trott

Simon Scarborough






Steve Holt

John Pearce






John Wandless

Jim Lauchlan


NR on




Dickie Hall

John Sweet


Score & Net Columns had gross scores

Richard Dines

Mike Hone


Score & Net Columns had gross scores


James Siabi

 Warm Welcome to Dougie Oliver who played today and Andrew Campbell who popped up to see how it all worked. Met Jim Lauchlan for the first time, for Keith - Dougie paid his £3.00 Membership.

Update Seniors Contact List for anyone who wants a new Copy.   JKP

He is aware 9th is a Practice flag, but he is 1 short at moment, replacement on the way.

Dave is also happy that we attack the Starter-Hut Tomorrow.

Thanks to Steve for wood preservative.

Sedate Blog today as JKP had a few complaints, so apologies to those affected, no offence was intended but realise I overstepped '  Personal Privacy' boundary in one particular post.