16 July 2020

Wednesday 15th July 2020 Medalford

Wednesday 15th July 2020
Individual Medalford


We had 18 seniors participating in today’s Individual Medalford. I suppose the numbers could have been higher but not many are registering for these events. I hope that more did turn up as I very much doubt that we will ever get our block booking back, meaning that we will be doing what is becoming the norm. It will be a shame not to have a meaningful rollup back which is possible with a bit of will and effort from all of us. We may not  be able to gather as a group and carry out a random draw and then go out there with different senior each time, but apart from gathering, we can do the rest. All that we need to do is book quite a few tee times, let me know you will be playing and I will arrange the rest. If we stick to this system, the club will have to give in and let us have our blocks back. If every tee time available is booked by our group then it will be pointless for them opposing our ultimate aim. Come on guys, let’s do it.


Here are today’s scores:

N Markby

33-19 = 14

B Barrow

35-20 = 15

A Rowland

34-18 = 16

J Blackburn

40-23 = 17

I Housham

36-19 = 17

E Paoloni

38-20 = 18

D Gardener

37-19 = 18

C Fisk

37-18 = 19

F Martin

37-18 = 19

B Frost

36-17 = 19

J Siabi

40-19 = 21

R Stone

42-21 = 21

D Mugridge

39-18 = 21

G Brent

39-18 = 21

A Moffatt

39-18 = 21

R Hinds

37-15 = 22

M Leigh

37-13 = 24

A Beale

40-12 = 28




Event proposal

I have been talking to Clive Fisk regarding a proposal that put forward about a new event. This will be a charity event and the aim is to raise as much money as we can for the NHS for the tireless work they have been doing during this pandemic. The proposal is to have as many participants as we can get even from other clubs and the ladies too. A big money raising campaign from the local and national businesses, well-wishers and of course the participants. I will ask Clive to put his proposal in writing so that we co-ordinate our eforts. To give us enough time, I propose a date towards the end of August to mid-September. Any suggestions, please do not hesitate to let me know. A nice catchy name will be a good start such as The Thank You Cup




James Siabi

Now up to 33 ( 11 teams for Jubilee Salver) - Booking is easy using the Club Website of simply phone the Pro Shop.

Use the 'Diary' function of the Members Section


Click on the name and Add Entry where it will ask you for the other 2 names.

I must admit I do not share James's doom & gloom about the Roll-Up slots.  It's a long cold Winter up there and without a strong & bonded Senior's Section, a huge amount of business & goodwill simply vanishes.
How can something that has been the heartbeat of the Club 
during the week suddenly  make no sense?

OK, it's more efficient to have a booked Tee-Time and be back home in 3.5 Hours, but the camaraderie that goes on at Roll-Up leads to playing in Matches that brings 400+ Dinners to the Club. Each Roll-Up contributes  multitude Coffees/Beers/Lunches.   Seniors events go on throughout the year, with Dickie's Dinners etc - Our Opens and other events will probably fade away as we won't know half the Seniors.
Fine, we can update Roll-Up and adopt a few ideas, which Captains have always done ( although changes have to be driven through sometimes).

We need those gatherings, both Early & Late with the added poignancy of not knowing who you will play with, will you be out first or last, your day of glory and front page of the Blog - or a Day of ridicule for some Golfing misdemeanor.

Hope you are noticing how boring the front page has become - with nothing new to report !!!!

Let's fight for the resumption of Roll-Up and get the Monthly Plan back up and running, keep fighting Captain James, we are all behind you.

The Seniors

See the source image