20 July 2020

Monday 20th July 2020 Weekly Stableford

Monday 20th July 2020
Weekly Stableford

Wednesday looks like a 3-Ball Texas Scramble, just form your Teams and submit scores.
I'll join Martin Leigh at 08:58 unless he has already booked in others.
1 Player needed for tomorrow at above Tee-Time - let JKP or Martin know and he will book you in - should be fun as we all enjoy a scramble.
Grabbed by Roger Hinds, thanks for help from everyone.
See the source image

Mike Hone still looking for Third Player on Jubilee Salver Wed 29th.
Sorted, Hone Hunt & Hengland

Richard Redwood & Paul Matthews looking for a third at 07:46 - Yes, Tee Times are now posted on Club Website.

50 Players now signed up, but room for more. Just let us know if you want to play and we will help you into a Threesome.

Mark Cording still working hard on Friday's 4BBB - with 38 Indicating a wish to play. Going to be a juggle to fit everyone in, so turning up early will help him out. Coffee & Bacon Butties will be available in Marquee from 08:00 ( Mark tried to get earlier, but they offered a bacon Butty as you come off the 4th en-passant - for the real early birds).
Some Members are hanging on to their Tee-Times (not joining roll-up) , which will make it a bit tight, so please keep an open-mind as they try and restore the crack of the Seniors Roll-Up.
Make sure when you Roll-Up at the Marquee your gear is all ready, shoes on etc - as we can't mess about, yes Nobby, that means you too so get your buggy parked & loaded please.

Penny & Katie are running a great Service with their new Laptops so they come to your table  and take orders & serve. Still all very safe & clinical and if we follow their guidance we will all stay safe.

See the source image
Your cash is no good here Sir, even if you did Birdie the 17th !

Results and handicap changes are in club website.
Barrie Heath 13 to 10 in one week!

Monies are as follows :
Division 1
Barrie Heath
Roger Stone
39 c/b
Chris Basterfield 
Division 2
Keith Hunt
Derek Gardener
Rod Young
Division 3
Ken Trott
Ian Frost
37 c/b
Eric Williams