22 July 2020

Wednesday 22nd July 2020 3 ball Texas Scramble

Wednesday 22nd July 2020
3 ball Texas Scramble

OK Guys, lots to add today so please read through as Captain & Vice work hard to restore normality.

This Friday Roll-Up

Monday Medal - 53 Entered on Club Website - Draw will be done after close on Friday.

Friday 31st Roll Up

Jubilee Salver


Entry form for Friday 31st July is pinned to the board outside the Pro Shop. Please put your names down if you'd like to participate in the rollup.

Scheduled Canadian Greensomes, please help by booking Tee-Times when they become available on Friday around 07:00

Note to Tetley Challenge Team...you see, we do listen to you !

On a glorious sunny day we had 7 teams of 3 playing today’s 3B scramble. The Captain and the Vice Captains' teams were more impressed with the weather than impressing with their games. Roger Hinds & his team performed well with a bogie free round and 7 birdies on top of the pile, followed by Team Evans & Team Paoloni. I will not mention where the Captain’s team ended up but have to say my partners of the day disappointed me. In my response that I wasn’t going to partner them again, Bob turned to Roger and said “job well done”. I think I got the message Bob lol.

 Today’s table of results are as follows:




Roger Hinds, John Pearce & Martin Leigh



John  Evans, Alan Chance & Steve Southgate



Edmondo Paoloni, Keith Hunt & Ian Housham



David Asquith, Mark Sanders & Neil Cochran



Chris Andrews, Chris Basterfield & Richard Forster



Mark Cording, Peter Spencer-Farr & Roger Davis



Roger Stone, Bob Barrow and James Siabi




James Siabi

From Vice-Captain

Friday 24th - 4BBB Roll-Up

Gentlemen, the support is so good that we are now at the point where new entries will exceed the tee times.     We do not want to say no to members wishing to play on Friday, but to be reasonable to earlier entrants the times allocated may well be after 10.00.   The marquee will be opening at 7.30 for drinks and food from 08.00, plus takeaways are available. 

  If we are not tardy it may be possible to  get groups off in less than eight minute intervals thus 
solving the problem.   

Whatever happens it will be good to start rolling up albeit in a different way and socialising at a social distance.

See the source image

Please have shoes on and equipment ready to play , remember this is a big step forward so it will not be perfect first time. No tantrums , dummy spitting, foot stamping etc - Remember  the Marquee is now a Children's Creche and the 'naughty corner' is still available for use.

See the source image

Drawn out last again..this always happens to me....

Jubilee Salver - Next Wednesday
Also called Saliva, Salva & a few other variations.

See below for the 57 that are already booked in with Start Times

Slight Update by John Wandless, so please re-check your time.

Seniors Jubilee Salver Scramble Start Sheet
Wednesday 29th July Yellow Tees , Cricket St Thomas Course
Time Team
07:30 Reserved
07:38 Reserved
07:46 Paul Matthews (23), Richard Redwood (27) & Your name here 
07:54 Dave Taylor (14), David Walgrove (17) & Clive Fisk (24)
08:02 Neil Cochran (22), Mark Sanders (22) & David Asquith (23)
08:10 Rod Young (19), Bob Hollingworth (21) & Iain Rowland (26)
08:18 David Mugridge (5), Richard Holmes (17) & John Pearce (19)
08:26 Andrew Rowland (15), Chris Rudling (15) & Derek Gardener (18)
08:34 Mark Coleman (18), Norman Markby (18) & Andrew Beale (23)
08:42 Gordon Brent (10), Jeremy Blackburn (11) & Steve Holt (16)
08:50 Steve Southgate (9), Alan Chance (14) & John Evans (15)
08:58 Barrie Heath (10), Roger Stone (12) & Robert Barrow (13)
09:06 Mark Cording (12), Roger Davis (12) & James Siabi (13)
09:14 Danny Dowell (5), John Wandless (11) & Rod Stevens (12)
09:22 Roger Hinds (8), Ian Fielder (23) & Bryan Frost (24)
09:30 Ian Housham (14), Eric Williams (25) & William Hilson (27)
09:38 Michael Hone (16), Keith Hunt (19) & Paul England (24)
09:46 Christ  Basterfield (13), Richard Forster (15) & Maurice Arnold (17)
09:54 Simon Scarborough (18), Colin Ireland (27) & John Sweet (37)
10:02 Dickie Hall (24), Nobby Hodder (25) & Ken Trott (29)
10:10 Reserved
10:18 Reserved
10:26 Reserved
10:34 Reserved
10:42 Bert Robinson (21), Michael Aldridge (28) & Ted Bryden (30)

Just 1 space to fill at 07:46- where you are guaranteed to be in First Place on the Leader Board...for 8 Minutes anyway. Can you join Richard & Paul, 2 lovely chaps.
Well done to you all for forming your Teams and entering onto Club Website, 

..but can any of you Mug the Un-Muggable ?

The Tetley Challengers
They have formed a little group and having fun, Derek upset them by taking a free drop from bunker on 13th and then chipping in for a 2...Mike had 2-foot penalty for sitting on seat next to Andy instead of the seat opposite....

....with JKP & Martin both in the field & Roger put his ball where Martin about to play, JKP Chip to 1-foot was enough for the Par...as  dropping a shot is usually curtains in such Competitions.

Martin hit a 200 yard 2-Iron to 10th to secure a Birdie, what a shot !

Picture from John Evans - Master of Technology and all things Technical, don't listen to Mr Southgate...