22 June 2020

Monday 22nd June 2020 Summer Knockout Pairs- Round 1

Monday 22nd June 2020
Summer Knockout Pairs- Round 1

Tuesday 23rd  June

We had a committee meeting today discussing issues relating to our games, challenges and changes that needed to be made if the circumstance remain unchanged. It seems that we are going to have some normalities in July. Watch the space for news from the club. Richard Forster will be publishing the minutes of the meeting as soon as it is complete as well as some news from the handicap secretary about handicap changes that are due from November 2nd. Major changes are about to take place and you need to have as many qualifiers till then unless you don’t mind about being punished severely because you have not entered enough qualifiers. The figure is 20 qualifiers between 2nd November 2018 and 2020. I leave this to John to explain, but please enter every qualifier between now and then or your handicap will be so different from the norm.


Tomorrow’s qualifier list is up on the CST website and you should have received notification of your tee times. Everyone needs to enter their scores on the CST Computer after finishing your game. I am unable to do VPAR setup as not many people have amended their handicaps since the last qualifier.  I will try to put as many as I can but you need to change your handicaps as soon as there is a change.


**** Bunkers are GUR tomorrow and you must putt to completion.  no give mes. ****




M Sanders

D Asquith

N Cochrane




C Fisk










A Moffatt




R Stone

B Barrow

A Rowland



D Mugridge

M Cording

M Leigh



J Evans

A Chance

M Coleman



R Stevens

D Hall

I Griffiths



J Siabi

P S-Farr

J Lauchlan



C Basterfield

C Andrews

M Arnold

R Forster


A Beale

P Dewar

B Rees



S Scarborough

R Davis

C Rudling

I Fielder


K Hunt

P England

P Matthews

C Ireland





K Branchflower






Please let me know if you are interested entering Monday 29th Stableford Qualifier by WhatsApp, or text to 07810880530 or by email to jasmes@higrade.com.

 Entry closes on Friday 8 pm.

Lots already Signed up -

1. J Sabi
2. E Paoloni
3. B Vance
4. A Moffatt
5. K Hunt
6. M Cording
7. B Heath
8. M Hone
9. R Davis
10. D Mugridge
11. S Scarborough
12. A Rowland

13 J Pearce

14 B Barrow

15 R Stone


Tee Times have been reserved from 08:34 through till 10:00 so James can place most entrants in there.
He will do a draw over weekend.
Let's please consider the many other Members that are up there playing and fully utilise this block where possible thereby releasing other tee-times around us. Club would not be happy if we wasted half these slots and also booked other tee-times before and after this block !!

See the source image
Let's be the unselfish Seniors - and mix the teams up a little.

Happy to pass messages on to James.

See the source image
TV Licence Changes - Several Seniors have already been contacted.
Do not respond to Phone Calls or Emails - be very careful or ask for help.
Don't press any buttons on your phone, click on any links etc...

Free TV Licences, funded by the Government, for all over 75s will come to an end in August 2020. You will need to be in receipt of a Pension Credit to qualify in the future.

"As though the prospect of losing their free TV licence wasn’t bad enough for our over-75s, this expected upsurge in fraudulent communications adds insult to injury and will be a further kick in the teeth for anyone unfortunate enough to be caught out.

"Of course this problem is only arising because the government passed responsibility for free licences to the BBC without the money to pay for them, and this enhanced risk of scams is just the latest in the long list of reasons why the government should stump up the funding to allow TV licences to remain free for all our over-75s."

So how does the scam work? Fraudsters will typically contact vulnerable individuals either by letter, email or text posing as TV Licensing, and claim that there's been a problem processing the payment for their license. The scam artists will then demand payment from the victim.

In a statement to Manchester Evening News, a spokesperson for the BBC said: "We take these issues very seriously and we are doing everything we can to help protect our customers against fraudsters by ensuring they can distinguish between what is a genuine TV Licensing communication and what is a scam.

“Our advice is that if people are unsure about a communication they’ve received, they should contact us directly and we can help. We never contact customers out of the blue to ask for bank details, personal information, or to tell them that they may be entitled to a refund.

Once again the Captain didn’t turn up for his game for the first 9 holes as a result of which left Mugridge a lot to do on his own to save the game against Paoloni-Hunt who had 14 and 17 shots respectively. Finally the match was won on the last hole by our opponents.

 Even a bigger task faced Norman as his partner Ian did not pick up on  email and text he was sent about the shift of their game to an earlier time. Norman facing two tough opponents eventually buckled under pressure on the 15th losing 5 & 3.

A thumping 7 & 6 win by Hone-Rudling against Cochrane-Asquith who went down as the heaviest defeated pair of the day.

A Very comfortable win by Heath-Holmes triumphing over Spencer-Farr-Rees 4 & 3.

They will face  facing Gardener-Rowland in the next round after winning their match against Fisk-Beale by 3& 2.

Barrow-Stone proceed to the next round by overcoming Holt-Pearce 2& 1.

 Other matches played were Davis-Cording winning their game on 19th hole against Chance-Evans.

 With one match rescheduled to Wednesday, this is how the table looks like


Please arrange your tee time for the upcoming singles & pairs knockout as you know who your next opponents(s) is going to be.

Left Side of Draw


Right Side

