20 June 2020

Friday 19th June 2020 Summer Singles Startup

Friday 19th June 2020
Summer Singles Startup

Monday's Tee Times are gradually lining up with published Pairs Knockout Draw, so well done to Alan, Steve Roger  etc for helping out.

Peter 3-names sent me a note the other day, which made me change the way I reserved tee-Times. I was always booking a 4-ball so I could add / delete and control the booking and the other names came up as Anonymous. I now just book as a Single Player which leaves the slots available for other to join me themselves, or as in the case tomorrow, to align with the Draw that is featured on Wed 17th Blog.

We know there have been a couple of changes by the captain, so hopefully we have enough slots booked for it to work out..famous last words.

or maybe I'm just talking rubbish as usual....

Other missed Singles are gradually being arranged. JKP will play Dickie Hall on Friday 26th. Hunt & Leigh will play same day at 12:34.  Frankie thinks he's playing Derek G on Monday, but Derek says it's Wednesday...Roger Davis will play Paul Matthews  on Tuesday ( Please correct Paul Phone to 67142 and Mobile 07749 562221 )
Please endeavor to get your match re-arranged before Round 2 or you will both be deleted, pending sniveling appeals to the Captain.

Wednesday 24th Stableford Qualifier Entry List so Far.

The 15 on the List with no Tee Time yet will be updated by Captain or Handicap Sec into the Slots reserved for the Seniors.

1. J Siabi
2. J Blackburn
3.Simon Scarborough
4. Keith Hunt
5. R Stone
6. B Barrow
7. A Beale (after 0845)
8. Neil Cochrane
9. Phil Dewar
10. David Asquith
11. Dave Mugridge
12. Andy Rowland
13. Chris Rudling
14. Roger Davis
15. Bob Reese
16. Mark Cording
17. Paul England
18. Clive Fisk
19. Mike Hone
20. Mark Coleman
21. Ian Griffiths
22. Paul Matthews
23. Peter S-Farr
24.Edmondo Paoloni
25. Billy Vance
26. Andy Moffatt
27. Mark Sanders
28. Andy Moffatt
29. John Evan's
30. Alan Chance

*** News about future qualifiers ******

As of Monday 29th the seniors qualifiers have been moved to Mondays to allow all that do not play golf on Wednesdays to participate. In Previous rounds, there was an understanding that short putts are given. We hereby stipulate that in all future qualifiers you must putt your ball, hence no give mes.


Back to today’s event. A funny day as far as the weather was concerned. The early starters had arrived to play their games only to decide that it was far too wet to play their games and with no buggies available some of them couldn’t play even if they wanted to. Those matches have been rescheduled by the players for sometimes next week prior to the start of 2nd round. The weather turned and the rest of us had a beautiful day to play golf. Here are the results of matches concluded today:


Richard Forster 1 up     v    James Siabi

Dave Mugridge 3 & 4    v   Steve Holt

Andy Rowland 7 & 8     v    Ian Fielder

Richard Holmes 1 up    v    Chris Gingell

David Asquith 3 & 2      v    Roger Stone

Nick Gabb 3 & 2             v    Bob Barrow

Peter S-Farr 3 & 2          v    Andy Beale





The Blog Team asked Ian Fielder to describe how he felt after the Match with Handy Andy, he replied

 "This Video of me when I worked in Poland amply describes my feelings after yesterday, I now know who was driving that truck ! "