15 May 2020

Friday 15th May 2020 Level 4 Golf |Continues

Friday 15th May 2020
Level 4 Golf  Continues - 2 balls or Singles

Did you get Monday update from Alex ( Monday 18:00) ?
We can send if required.

I just tried to 'pair-up' with a single Senior with the Pro Shop, but they won't do it unless the person making the booking has told them he/she are happy to be paired as some apparently want to play alone - as one Senior has requested !
So it would help us if you tell them that at the Pro shop to save us making 3 calls, Pro Shop for rejection; Player 1 for confirmation; Pro Shop to re-Book.
Apparently there are people that are still concerned about infection, walking with the Wife etc - so we have to respect the Club for making sure everything is being run strictly to the letter of the current law.

Sunday dawns and the warm weather looks to return for next week with the course looking busy.

Hopefully you all got the letter from Owner Steve Hill via Email, updating you on the final delicate stage of his plans for holes 8,9 & 10. We can send it to you if you require, but last time we posted on the blog some considered it unnecessary and they are probably correct as we don't necessarily want any comments picked up by anyone not supportive of the scheme.
Having seen the way clever landscaping can transform a course at Sherborne, I look forward to seeing what they can do and a water feature around the 9th is a very welcome addition for the Wildlife up there.   Steve's letter gives route to take if you wish to add any supportive comments to the Planning Application - but remember anything you write is available for the whole World to see as it will be posted as an addition to the documentation of the application.

So now we have to explain the headline picture, well Frankie's own words articulately explain it all...

Hello John.

Where are you? (I've not been up yet)

Can I share a conversation I had with Bryan today.

I rang him to see how he is coping in his new home in Yeovil, and to ask if he might be au fait with booking in through the website.

He will be coming to play, when the ‘toilet roll’ situation abated, he said. 
Then I asked if he was keeping busy. He mentioned a new hobby, he has bought a sewing machine, I asked why, and he is making masks for the locals...amazing don’t you think.

Another one for you.
As you know we run a Care home, and times have been difficult, we were and still are very nervous about getting the dreaded Covid.
Some five weeks ago the first and only case was confirmed, we were devastated. The Lady concerned had visited hospital and had contracted it there.
Thanks Sir Francis for
 ringing round so many people.
Well done Bryan.
She was readmitted into hospital, and after ten days she was discharged. She is now fully recovered, and enjoying life at our home. She is One Hundred and Five years young! No other residents have tested positive, thank goodness. A cheery tale, for a change.
Worth a mention I reckon. Frank
..got a few of these from RG.

Just one video for you to watch, hypnotic really and kinda hard to believe, but It's from the Captain so we must serve the boss...I was watching it thinking why is he wasting all those soda-pops just to get a bucket of water...


Not much news coming from the Golf Course, so I assume you all played OK !

I see lots of chatter in the Social media about Players  looking to grab extra slots over the  '2 game limit' - but please be considerate as there are many that have not been up there yet and booked a slot - they may not be as quick as you are , so please give them some room to get used to the new system.

Offers to Play:-  You book 'em, we'll hook 'em.
Mike Hone has a slot booked for  Wednesday 13:30 so phone 30231 to fill the space..but remember he has bee walking 10 miles a day for 51 days so might be a little nippy.

Monday looks booked solid, but a few 'Single Seniors' out on Wed 20th - so grab a slot as 23 Degree Sunshine is forecast.

Remember you can book 7 Days ahead , or 24 Hours ahead if there are gaps the next day. If, however, you already have 2 slots booked it will not let you add a third slot until you have played out one of the rounds. Be patient and be fair to others, our  Section comprises Golfers of many standards , speeds  handicaps and self-confidence. Not everyone is happy to boldly pair-up with a big-hitting 12 handicapper who is as keen as Jim Bowie's favourite Club !

Ray sends us  an interesting article from England Golf - they have a lot on their Website for you to read.

I have been 'told-off' for suggesting a 4BBB League or similar as we are not supposed to play 'Competitive Golf' - so I'll back off and leave such matters to the Captain.

Clive sends us this Video of the Player just ahead of him on Friday who was playing alone and with a 10 Minute gap ahead of him, decided to play a couple of extra balls .

..sorry didn't get the name.


As predicted, Seniors beginning to dominate as things settle down with 30 plus Seniors out today.  Please don't waste slots and if you see a Senior out alone, just ring Lisa on 30231 and take up  the slot. All those advertised on the Blog are snapped up quickly.
Monday has over 30 Seniors booked already. Almost getting to the stage where we can have a little competition, maybe a weekly 4BBB League or something.  Send us the scores  and we ( Captain) can keep tally. You should all have the Email List we sent you, but can re-send if required.
Friday Bookings.
07:30 Kevin Hamilton Chris Screech
07:40 Eric Smallwood
07:50 Tony Church Keith Segal
08:00 Jeremy Blackburn Steve Holt
08:10 Malcolm Roy Ronald Sutherland
08:20 Roger Stone Robert Barrow
08:30 Donna Adey
08:40 Nick Clarke Kim Clarke
08:50 John Wandless Mairi Wandless
09:00 Paul Newton David Mugridge
09:10 Brian Hollinson Martyn England
09:20 Danny Dowell Ruth Dowell
09:30 Frank Martin Alan Davis
09:40 Christopher Basterfield Chris Andrews
09:50 Nobby Hodder
10:00 Ross Harvey
10:10 Roger Davis Mark Cording
10:20 Eric Williams John Sweet
10:30 Michael Aldridge Steve Kitcher
10:40 Mark Sanders David Asquith
10:50 Richard Edwards
11:00 Ted Bryden Herbert Robinson
11:10 Andrew Moffatt Billy Vance
11:20 Bob Dennett
11:30 Neil Collins Martin Singer
11:40 Trevor Paul Kevin Paul
11:50 Stephen Downes James Everard
12:00 Paul Tomlin
12:10 Roger Withers Ian Frost
12:20 Janet Warner-Booth Peter Spencer-Farr
12:30 Gary Hyett
12:40 David Potter Ken Trott
12:50 Malcolm Cleal Scott Roberts
13:00 Alex Legg Ross Davies
13:10 Colin Greenway John Warrey
13:20 Julian Lawrence Kelvin Phelps
13:30 Michael Hone Stuart Pope
13:40 Dylan Moss Ryan Mustchin
13:50 Fred Wall Anonymous
14:00 Jason Contreras William Bennett
14:10 Alex Manley Matthew Crabb
14:20 Gordon Brent Paul Gough

Had a chat with Mike & Sue Burt yesterday, Mike is still shielding but feeling better with his new super-drug that arrives Monthly with an armed escort !

Still getting submissions coming in, a new Contributor as Mike & Sue make a couple of offerings today, very funny.

Have fun out there ..but the odd picture would be nice, or just describe the experience as some of us haven't been up yet and don't know what to expect.