25 March 2020

Wednesday 25th March 2020
Lockdown Day 2

Thursday 26th- Getting a few Email rejections from Nobby Hodder; Chris Basterfield (sorted); George Willerton; Chris Denman - any updates to Email ?
Already 4 or 5 updates, thanks Iain, Chris x2, Nick etc

Win the quiz below and your problems are solved !

Flying off the shelves at your local dealer....
Thanks Chris R

Thanks for Videos & Pics coming in, I'll trickle feed them.

Just in from somewhere in Broadwindsor...is this the greatest Putt of all time ?

Unfortunately Farmer Bob disqualified the Putt over Facetime as the ball sunk was not the ball that was putted, harsh but fair as usual from Bob.

A Couple were a bit Dodgy to use on this public forum - but I liked the one from Edmundo - which is basically just a sound-track but explains Male  & Female Brains....In Italy obviously - Thanks Ed

A Joke from Ray G

A couple have just gotten married. As they are retreating to the bedroom for the first night madness, the husband looks deeply into his wife’s eyes.
“Honey, I’ve got something to tell you. I haven’t been completely honest. I am a golfing addict and every chance I get I’m going to go and have a round.”
“OK” said his wife. “As we are confessing, I haven’t been completely honest with you either. I’m a hooker”.
“That’s OK” said the husband. “You’ve just got to make sure you keep left arm straight and your head down longer.”

From our own 'Clive Sinclair'
see photo below, I’m putting a new roof on our little summer house I built years ago. I want to make sure it’s waterproof just in case Val gets fed up with my company and kicks me out!

Found this service very useful:

For those in the Chard area the town council are working with Chard CORVID-19 Support Group offering help to those self isolating. I needed to pick up a prescription from Boots but put off by the queue stretching down the Main Street. Phoned the published number 01460 239567 which is Chard Town Council who took my details and will pass it to the Support Group who will pick up my prescription and deliver it leaving on the door step.

Keep safe

Clive Fisk
Nothing ordinary for Clive !

Just in from Gordon Bareham, who moved away.

Dear John,

I thought I would send you an email after perusing the Blog which I do frequently. Officially I am still a member until the end of March so I consider I am entitled to look at the Blog which brings back some fond memories .

I still receive the club emails so I have seen how the weather has restricted the golf throughout the winter months. I have recently joined the Bradfield College Golf Club. A delightful nine hole course which is kept in immaculate condition: it has to be for the College golfers. No clubhouse with bar etc but there is changing facilities, a golf pro with incredible teaching facilities including a golf course simulator. I have played St Andrew’s twice recently! There is a small non College membership of mostly the older generation. I am setting in reasonably well and they are a decent crowd to play with although not as good as my old friends at Windwhistle/ CStT.  When playing at CStT I often commented how fortunate the Seniors group were with the three mornings reservation ,the general format and facilities.
We have settled in well after the physical and mental challenges of the move. We are pleased we made the move when we did rather than wait until we got any older. It is great being so close to the family, especially during the current restrictions, so they can “ keep an eye on us”. 
Please pass on my regards to those who will remember me and of course to yourself.
I hope we can get back to playing soon.
Gordon B.

..and of course one Member has to show off his beautiful back garden...doesn't moss grow in Chard then ?

..no wonder he's always late !!!- However a close Neighbour reports that it always seems to be a Lady operating the Garden Equipment ...
Anything can be sent in with complete confidence, such as the note just in below:-

Hi John,

"I bought a s/h set of Ping clubs before the lockdown, supposed to launch high and long. Played 2 rounds with a net 68 and 73. Don't tell Frank!!!

regards   Keith"

How ironic that we are locked up at home and the weather is absolutely gorgeous.

Still getting a few updates on the Address / Contacts list and I will send it out to you all shortly.
You will be amazed how many Golfers and their Ladies live nearby to you, maybe call and chat will help both of you and an offer to help always breaks the ice.

What we'd like to do ( John/Andy/Nick) is get input from you all as to what you are up to and 
of course Pictures are most welcome.

Also any tips about where to buy stuff and any experiences you have had lately, Bim Reports that Tesco was quiet today down there in Chard...although Boots were queuing out of the door !

I'm sure you all have a list of jobs to do, I certainly have and I guess on the current schedule we have nearly 3-weeks to go on this Lockdown.

I've been outside for the first 2 days, preforming the annual 'Moss Rake' of our Lawns.   These Lawn Rakes are amazing ( the one with blades) and they lift a huge amount from the grass. At first I started to collect it up with a hand-rake, but there was just too much so I used the Lawn Mower which was perfect but it filled the collector in about 10 seconds so the pile got bigger and bigger.

It seems such a waste - I'm sure there must be a use for a Ton of Moss -hopefully the nesting Birds will take some.

Let us know what you have been up to.

Why not set up a Quiz

Send us a Joke
"Rocking"  Chair   

can you solve this one - Free Toilet Roll to the Winner.

Each is a Phrase that describes the Picture.

So for Example on the left

No.1  would be


No.2 is 

Warning there are a couple of really tricky ones in there.  The First one is rather clever !