20 March 2020

Friday 20th March 2020
2 from 3 Stableford

Updated Contact List:- We are asked for contact details on a daily basis and the Club Message System rarely works unless the recipient checks their Club Messages.
I have a half-decent version that I will send out just one time, so that you can all take a look at it and tell us of any corrections and of course additions it you are missing.
By replying We will have your Email automatically, so if you could just click on the address below and send us any details you don't mind going onto a copy in the Filing Cabinet, that would be great.

I'll try this first so that I can check what I have already. If you are in pretty regular contact I probably have your details already...but don't mind a confirmation.

Home Phone; Mobile; Address; Wife/Partner name etc would be great.

By keeping 2 Metres apart, we are not breaking and GDPR Rules.

Updates to john.pearce.windy@gmail.com
Text 07752 429467
or drop into Mailbox at Club.

keep them coming- Updates from Roger, Andy, David, John, Steve, Martin, Eric, Keith , Edmondo, David Potter, Derek , Clive, Billy, Rod , Gordon , Jeremy, Ian, Malcolm, Roger H, Bob R . Rod S, J-Mac, Mike, Paul ..and they all get a free copy of the Directory as a reward.,,but I need plenty more please.  78 79 80 81 83 92  93 Names recorded...getting there...144  Listed on Keith's list just updated in Seniors Members.

Update from Owners after Last Night's Announcements.

In the light of todays announcement we will be closing the bar & restaurant with immediate effect.

The golf course, pro-shop & changing rooms will remain open as usual.

We will also be looking to offer take-away food & drinks but provide further details once the government guidelines are fully understood.

Whilst we all of course wish to see the golf course remain open through these difficult times we will of course follow government guidelines fully as the health of our members, friends & family is paramount to everyone.

Do continue to visit us but PLEASE stay away if you are showing any symptoms of the virus. Whilst playing please also maintain the social distancing requirements to keep yourself safe.

As a stiff easterly breeze swept over the Course giving a sub-zero wind chill, it was not a day to hang about. Fully Open and Buggies. Different to yesterday when the Course was closed all day through the Fog.

7 Earlies and nearly 20 Late's Rolled up 

From Monday we should all be able to gather in the Marquee.

Dickie Hall is going into isolation as Majestic has run out of wine....just kidding - he is concerned about Jenny who is still struggling with her new knee. He just popped up to give Eric & Derek their raffle prizes.

Chris, Quinny, Nick & Peter did it the professional way and booked their own Tee Time.

Dave had snapped his 4-Iron playing from near the Laurel bush earlier.

I had a nice little Team as Nobby & Chris were always straight down the middle and no dramas, 39 out and 39 back felt a nice little score with a couple of 'Threes' being the only flaws...but I'm sure someone will hit 80 as there were some handy looking groups out there.