1 January 2020

Wednesday 1st January 2020 New Year Scramble

Wednesday 1st January 2020
New Year Scramble....
..but same old winners...

On a very cold and foggy day only 14 determined seniors turned up to play in today’s 3 man scramble. I for one did not envy them at all having seen the conditions as I approached Somerset.

There were four 3 ball and a two ball team battling for the top position and the winners with a net score of 59.17 were Roger Hinds, David (win-a-lot) Asquith and Bob Barrow being rewarded £3 each for their effort. Runners up were Colin Ireland, John Pearce and Barrie Heath 63.00 points receiving £1.50 each

There were a total of three 2’s.

R Hinds, D Asquith, B Barrow           1        £1.00 each

C Ireland, J Pearce & B Heath            2        £1.50 each

        Player 1                            Player 2                Player 3       Score       2’s

Roger Hinds
David Asquith
Bob Barrow
Colin Ireland
John Pearce
Barrie Heath
Bob Rees
Mark Cording
Ken Trott

Nobby Hodder
John Weir
Nick Hill

Peter Spencer-Farr
Stuart Pope


James Siabi

I'm back !


As the first 2-ball heads out and Peter has taken the 'pledge'

36 + 28 + 24 - plenty of shots but not their day today

We can't understand the brollies, it never rained, just a heavy fog

Eric's Christmas present from Cheap Internet Website

Just too much class for the rest of us today as they crafted out a score under 60 in tricky conditions...starting with a Birdie on the First