3 January 2020

Friday 3rd January
3-Ball Reverse Waltz  3,2,1 

6th Dec Monday's Cracker

8:42 Mairi Wandless Bob Barrow Lyndsey Gage
8:50 Donna Adey James Siabi John Pearce
8:58 Jan W-Booth Mark Cording Eric Williams
9:06 Ruth Dowell Peter Spencer Farr Philip Dewar
9:14 Kim Clarke John Wandless Mike Hone           *
9:22 Lin Walwork Alan Chance Stuart Pope
9:30 Mary Bryant Danny Dowell Nobby Hodder
9:38 Jan Wilkes Martin Bargery Martin Leigh
9:46 Roisin Burree Roger Davis John MacOmish
9:54 Fran Branchflower Roger Hinds Colin Ireland
10:02 Paula Bowles Barrie Heath Edmando Paolino
10:10 Rita Denman David Mugridge Keith Blanchflower
NPP D Hone
NPP C Denman

N Clarke

Monday Roll Up (Canadian Greensomes) available from 08:12 to 08:34 and 10:18 onwards.

Friday 3rd January 3 Man Reverse Bowmaker
A very good turn out for a day that didn’t look like  a nice golfing day, however,  it got better as the progressed. 44 ( 16 early and 28 late) Seniors in total had a good go at beating the conditions. As the numbers did not equal the format of the day, Our new member John Weir played for a handicap card and Bert Robinson  volunteered to play the rolling stableford. Thank you Bert

The random draw threw some strong teams and one would have thought that one of those teams will win today’s event with ease., However the surprise package of the day as it has been the case recently had David (“for god’s sake Frank, sort my handicap out”) Asquith as the lead scorer. He scored 38 points on 16 holes and was even boasting to Frank that he missed a couple of easy ones. His partners in crime were Peter Spencer-Far and Chris Hiam.

There was one DQ card belonging to I Frost, P Dewar and J Stephens who were apparently playing scratch golf as their recorded handicaps were Zero.

Team                                                                              Points          Prize each

David Asquith, Peter Spencer-Farr & Chris |Hiam              76               £5.00

Roger Davis, Danny Dowell & Dave Mugridge                 74                £4.00   

Chris Andrews, Bob White & Frank Martin                      73                £3.00

John Pearce, Chris Rudling & Nobby Hodder                    70                £2.00

There were four 2’s paying £1.75 per person

David Taylor, Mike King & Neil Cochran                       1                 £1.75

Alan Chance, John Wandless & Chris Gingell                 1                 £1.75

Danny Dowell, Dave Mugridge & Roger Davis                1                 £1.75

Bob Rees, Eric Williams & Paul England                        1                 £1.75

James Siabi (Captain)

        Player 1                        Player 2                     Player 3                           Score      2’s

Mike King
Neil Cochran
David Taylor
Phil Dewar
Ian Frost
Jerry Stephens

Mark Sanders
Ken Trott
Gordon Brent

John MacOmish
Clive Fisk
Roger Whithers

Martin Bargery
Rod Stevens
Nick Hill

Bob Barrow
Mike Hone
John Evans

Mark Cording
Barrie Heath
James Siabi

Bob Rees
Eric Williams
Paul England
Alan Chance
Chris Gingell
John Wandless
Bob White
Frank Martin
Chris Andrews

Mick Aldridge
Derek Gardener
Rod Young

Chris Rudling
John Pearce
Nobby Hodder

David Asquith
Chris Hiam
Peter Spencer-Farr

Danny Dowell
David Mugridge
Roger Davis

Rolling Stableford
For handicap

Bert Robinson
 John Weir

JKP Met a New Senior in the Car Park just after Roll-Up  Phillip  Dibble - who was late as some of his sheep had escaped , so he will try and join us again next week.. Why do I mention this, We've just had 38 New Cards printed for Roll Up to replace those hand written and double sided ones...it's tough to keep ahead in the Seniors Section !

It's not that sort of Reverse Mike...but they had played the first 4 holes in the worst of the weather, scoring just a single point

David , Peter & Chris waiting at 16th to start their 4 under par round ..but luckily it was only 1 to count 

  Ok, we admit it was not bright sunshine at the very start, which I'm sure the Captain will mention in his report....

Frankie arrived in style today..in the Roller of course