30 December 2019

Monday 30th December
The Final Scramble

Today's 3 man Texas Scramble attracted 31 golfers including a new member John Weir and I hope he enjoyed himself and will regularly turn out.    All 18 holes were open and on the main greens, which is a testament to the green staff.    However it was very noticeable how many pitchmarks were not repaired.  As a section could we please make a concerted effort to keep the greens pitch mark free.    The same goes for divots, at this time of the year they will knit quickly so please put any you see into a hole.   It doesn't need to be the same hole it came from and if we all did one extra per fairway, they would soon be free of sods.      Although we may not have created what we don't want is people playing the course after our section, finding pitchmarks/divots and blaming the Seniors. 

As for the golf, one team stood out from the crowd 

with an excellent score of 66 gross but unfortunately they could not deduct their handicap allowance correctly, so were disqualified by the Vice Captain.    Ironically his team was promoted into the money.     For the record Paul England may want to know that it was Dave Mugridge who marked signed the card and it was verified by John Evans, better luck next time lads.    

There were two deuces Messrs. Mugridge, Evans and England trio  on the 9th and Brent and Fisk pairing on the 16th.   As the 2's is a separate competition the trio were not able to be disqualified.   

                                                                                                    Gross       Nett

1.   Dave Mugridge/ John Evans/ Paul England.                     66.00       58.13.   £5.00 ea

2.   Jeremy Blackburn/ Eric Smallwood/ Phil Dewar.             70.00.       61.00.   £4.00 ea

3.   Rod Stevens/ Martin Bargery/ Mike Hone.                       69.00.       62.17.    £1.33 ea

4.   Mark Cording/ Rod Young/ Nobby Hodder.                     72.00.       62.83

5.   Roger Davis/ Peter Spencer- Farr/ Derek Gardner.         72.00.       63.00

6.   Bob Barrow/ Edmundo Paoloni/ John Weir.                      74.00.       63.00

7.    Martin Leigh/ Alan Chance/ Chris Andrews.                    71.00.        63.34

8.   Danny Dowell/ Keith Branchflower.                                    71.00.       64.00

9.   Mark Sanders/ Dave Asquith/ Mike Miles.                         76.00.      64.00

10. Chris Hiam/ Ken Trott/ John Pearce.                                  80.00.      66.83

11.  Gordon Brent/ Clive Fisk.                                                     77.00.       67.25

2's sweep

Mugridge/ Evans/ England.   &.  Blackburn/ Smallwood/ Dewar £2.58 per person.

By the time it has taken to type this report, compassion welled within me so I have reinstated the winners, but only as a New Years gesture of goodwill.   

Have a fun New Years Eve one and all, see you in the next decade.   

Mark Cording

Captain by default and applying for a retrospective discount on my subs.

Danny Branchflower team

Good start as JW got in first 3 drives..

..but unfortunately fell at the first !!

..and that's with no buggies

..and they nearly cleaned up on the 2's as well when Dave sunk John's pitch to the Green...but luckily Clive and Gordon managed another 2.
Ray & Mrs Gudge were up there on duty as usual. Ray is Kaput after recent shoulder surgery and wearing a sling so is out for several weeks..but the birds were delighted to see them 
Mick Aldridge and Tony Stenhouse were desperate to clear the Christmas Blues and managed to walk 9 Holes,  there's always someone up there to play 9 - so if you can walk that far why not join them on Wednesday...