18 December 2019

Wednesday 18th December 2019
2 from 3 Stableford...in the dark !

Society from Sherborne booked from 09:30 so we had to clear the Tee by 09:15 . Draw was commenced at 07:45 in the semi-darkness but ok by the time of 1st tee. As most of the regular earlies were absent, it turned out to be comfortable. Turned out to be a great move as heavy rain started about 13:30 but we were into the mince-pies by then.

Notice:-  New Year’s Cracker Mixed event for Monday 6th January

We have put a new entry sheet in the changing room for the above mixed event replacing the cancelled Christmas Cracker. Please put your name down if you wish to enter the competition. Entry fee for the day is £11 including buffet afterwards. If a non-playing partner wishes to come for buffet, please tick the NPP column. Cost of food is £8.50. Draw for the teams will be made on Friday 3rd. Prizes for the raffle will be appreciated very much.

 ( we'll move this notice to banner after 24 Hours)

Today we had 21 seniors turned up early to play 2 from 3 stableford. Only 4 early birds turned up and 17 late starters to make up 7 teams of 3. There were some good scores considering windy conditions and notable scores by Neil Cochran and David Asquith who have been performing rather well in recent few weeks. I am sure Frank will be looking at their cards eagerly.

There was only one 2’s achieved by Peter S-Farr and his partners Gordon Brent & Mike Hone


 Team                                                                      Score     Prize each           2’s          each 
Mark Sanders, Dave Mugridge & David Asquith     85        £4.00

M Bargery, J Pearce & N Cochran                            82        £3.00

 G Brent, M Hone & P S-Farr                                   80                                  1              £3.50

 R Davis, B Heath & R Sutherland                                  76
 A Chance, J Siabi & M Arnold                                       74
  J Wandless, M Miles & M Leigh                                   72
  B Barrow, N Hill & N Hodder                                       67

Some eye catching scores
N Cochran           33 points on 12 holes
D Asquith             35 points on 14 holes
M Sanders           35 points on 16 holes

James Siabi

as the sun rises behind him

Martin, Mike and John..as wind pics up around 11:00

It's all in the pronunciation...

I never even completed my Milk Round...