9 October 2019

Wednesday 9th October 2019
2 from 3 Discard

News:- Had an Update from Bill Hilson who has now undergone his shoulder Surgery which went well. He will back in 5 weeks 3 days but sends you all his best wishes.

..and of course Today is the funeral of another Golfer, Peter Smith of the EGGS.

Only those that played with us 5 Years ago or more will remember Ken. Quite a Character !
He was also Club Captain a couple of times and I believe quite close to the Fisher family. He was obviously a big Family Man and chose the right Woman with whom to share his life. They were both in a local care home and just a few days after Daphne passed away, Ken decided to pop off and join her,  isn't that nice ...

Match Report v Enmore 8th October 2019

Having been well beaten last year by Enmore Park G.C. we expected a stiff challenge again this year and the match proved to be highly competitive.
 Enmore did win by the margin of 4 to 3,however, most matches went down to the eighteenth. There was one very heavy rain squall in the

middle of the day but again, considering the forecast, we were lucky to complete the game with minimum disruption.

Peter Spencer-Farr/ Lyndsey Gage Lost 1 Down

Barrie Heath/ Nobby Hodder Won 3 & 2

Ian Housham/ Roger Davis Lost 1 Down

Roger Stone/ Ed Paoloni Halved

Alan Chance/ Mark Cording Halved

Ian Griffiths/ Derek Gardener Lost 1 Down

John MacOmish/ Stuart Pope Won 3 & 2

The breakdown shows they won by the narrowest margin possible and as we have

our last fixture of this year away to them we do have the chance to exact revenge.

Enmore were very complimentary about the day thinking our greens were in a much

better condition than theirs at this time of year. Great fun occasion but feel we missed

an opportunity.

Peter Spencer-Farr Seniors Capt.

It seemed eerily quiet as the late roll-up gradually built, with just 2 Team going out early, but numbers gradually rose to 23 as Farmer Bob completed the draw...finding his own name at the very bottom...

The weather forecast was for gloom & doom once more, but in the event,  most of the rain missed us and we just had a couple of showers to add to the excitement, but everyone managed with just the occasional brolley on show.

The result below shows that we could have ignored the Discard and just played a 2 from 3 as the places would have remained the same...just read the Gross Points Column.

So, the results below show what happened and  where the game was won and lost.
Outstanding number is the 53 Points scored on the back 9 by the winning Team - and remember Par would be just 36 with 2 players scoring each hole !!!

2 early players played an Individual Stableford and their entries to the October Rolling Stableford amassed 36 Points for John Bonney, with a Birdie on the 11th; with Albie Bonain not doing quite so well with just 17 points.  Albie also got a parking ticket for placing his car round the back, but too far forward to allow anyone to park in the row nearest the Clubhouse !!

Frank was made aware of Ken Trott's gradual return to form , but typical of Frank, he merely sipped his glass of chilled ginger beer, nibbled a dandelion root and said " A single Swallow doth not a Summer Make" -