8 October 2019


Improved rules for this year’s


1.   The captain has ruled this year, to avoid confusion, that once a player has been selected for either the Captain's Team or the Vice Captain's team, they will not swap over to the other team in the event of a place becoming available.

2.   There will be a £2.00 entry fee for each round and the winning team at the end of the week will share the prize pot. However, the money will be pro-rated. That is to say, if a player has played in three matches, he will receive 3 shares, and if he has played in two matches he will receive two shares, etc. regardless of whether he has won or lost, as long as he is in the winning team.

3.   There are 65 entries in total. However, there are 59 entries for the Fourball (29 in the Captain's team and 30 in the Vice captain's team); 50 entries for the foursomes (26 and 24); and 51 entries for the singles (32 and 29). This has meant that some some players have not been selected for certain rounds. They should not be regarded as reserves as every effort has been made to match handicaps. 

4.   Please endeavour to play as your match will be scratched if you fail in your commitment to play.