Meantime, whilst we await results, here's an interesting story from Norman about his Holiday with Sue.
..all preparations were made, with Carers booked to look after Sue's Mum.
1st Day, Carer arrives but Mum refuses to get out of bed. Carer extends her 30 Min schedule through to 2 hours when help arrives but no improvement. First Contact is Sue's Brother who then drives down with Wife to look after 'Mum'. Next Day Bridge Club arrive for afternoon session. One of the Men head for kitchen to get a drink when he fails to spot the step-down and takes a tumble, slashing his wrist during process, so Ambulance No.1 is mobilised. Meantime 'Mum' passes out with low blood pressure and Ambulance No.2 now en-route. Mum stays in hospital and has pacemaker fitted. Brother stays down and offers to cook Sunday Lunch for Sue & Norman on their arrival back. When they arrive Brother is in bed with food poisoning, which then hit Sue on the Monday and Norman on the Tuesday !
I'm sure I'll be instructed to remove this shortly, so read it quick whilst you can !