6 November 2015

Cricket St Thomas Golf Club Seniors Section AGM Friday 13 th November 2015 at 2pm in the Clubhouse.




1. Apologies for absence.


2. Presentation of prizes.


3. Minutes of the meeting held on 7th November 2014.


4. Matters arising.


5. Captains report.


6. Financial statement.


7. Election of officers.


        Captain                                  Nick Hill

        Vice Captain                          Roger Stone

        Treasurer                               Keith Branchflower

        Secretary                               Richard Forster

        Handicap Secretary              Frank Martin

        Domestic h/p                          John MacOmish

        Web/Blog/Fixtures                John Pearce

        Internal Competitions          Norman Markby

        External Competitions         Stuart Pope/Alan Chance

        Chief Scrutineer                    Bob Barrow

        Other Committee Members Alan Davis/Bert Robinson


8. Elected Captains Statement.


9. Professionals report.



          (a) Have 4 qualifiers a month, 2 medals of white tees and 2          stableford of yellow tees.


       (b) Have all qualifiers off white tees.


       (c) Have a summer eclectic off whites with a minimum of             12 rounds


       (d) Handicap review to strongly recommend increase                   where required to overcome reductions only in                      qualifiers.


       (e) Rolling stableford. Propose either £1 entry with 50p for           rolling stableford birdies.


       (f) Winter League to be scored the same as the Challenge                     Cup i.e. 10 points for the winners, 9 for 2nd etc.


       (g) Relax the formal dress code for friendly matches played        at home informing the visiting club before the visit.


As the opportunities to send proposals to the secretary in writing have been open for some while up until the end of October, there will be no AOB.


For those who have sent in proposals and do not see them listed be patient; they will be covered during the Captains report and the newly elected Captains statement.