7 July 2023

Avalon League Result v Wells

Tuesday 11th

[11/07, 17:50] Dave Mugridge: Avalon League result:

Wells 2 CST 3

Points Wells 4 CST 11

2 wins, 2 halved & 1 lost on the last.

Great result

[11/07, 17:22] John Wandless: CST won 3-2 , 11 points to 4 points 👍

[11/07, 17:23] John Evans: Great result well done 👍

[11/07, 17:26] Tim Ackland: Congrats

[11/07, 18:27] +44 7818 031534: Well done all

[11/07, 19:38] Martyn Hartley: Well done team 👊

[11/07, 19:39] Roger STONE: Another great win away from home Well done lads

[11/07, 21:24] Ian Hildred: Well done team😄👍

SUMMER SIZZLER Monday 17th July

2 from 4 -       3 Gents & 1 Lady

Ladies & Seniors Sections will combine to player a Bowmaker on Monday 17th July, Shotgun start at 8.30am, followed by a buffet lunch at approx 12.30pm. Cost £16.

Sign up online or in the Pro Shop. 

Draw will take place on Thursday 13th July and will be posted on the blog for all to see.

Raffle prizes would be gratefully received.

Just 24 Gents & 8 Ladies thus far...

Now up to 38 - Drawn Today

Just go onto Website & Log in or simply phone Pro Shop 30231 or Email  proshop@cricketstthomasgolfclub.co.uk  and ask to 

"Sign Me Up for Summer Sizzler on 17th July"..stating clearly if you are Male, Female or any other recognizable gender.

We'd love a few more - no other Golf on that day....

Jubilee Salver

The sign up for the Jubilee Salver is on the notice board in the changing rooms. This is a three man scramble on Wed 26th July where you pick your own team.

Monday 10th July 2023

Ladies Southwest Rally

Drying time back at base camp

Friday 7th July 2023