7 June 2023


Monday 19th June

Posted on Inter Club Matches

They  came from darkest Dartmoor on their wild stallions, armed with Clubs, Irons, devilish wedges, evil sounding mash-ya-giblets to tangle with those loyal to The Pope

The Armies from The Valley of Teign finally met their match on Windwhistle Hill yesterday.

Captain Pope, with Chance on his side took 11 shots from the opposition but were victorious on the 15th Green with 3 to spare.

A Gardener and his valet Jay Lauchlan also had to take 13 shots - but on the 12th the hands were shaking as the CST flag was raised again.

Squire Asquith and Sir Andy of Roe Land  took shots a-plenty as 9 handicap Wardle started his campaign. It was to no avail, however,  as this too was settled on the 12th hole.

Barely a shot was fired twixt John the Baker and The Huntsman as they tangled with their allocated foe. As they ascended the hill of 14, it was all over for the visitors as they had lost 6 of their skirmishes with but 4 remaining.

The mighty Gingell Khan  and a Cording to Legend , were matched shot for shot by Teign. Twas not until the dawn of the 18th  that they signaled Captain Pope that they had prevailed - with 1 shot remaining in their armory.

Sir James of Park House, dared to take along a young Hussey in a display of over-confidence. Twas well-justified, however, as victory came in the blink of an eye on the green of e-leven .

Captain Pope was magnanimous in his 6-0 victory and offered Steak & Ale Pie with lashings of Cider for the surviving Visitors and in a mark of ultimate sacrifice, limited his speeches and jokes to under 9 minutes in the glaring sun of the magnificent battlefield of Cricket St. Thomas.

Quick - The Pope is starting another story....

Wednesday 7th June 2023

Jim Lauchlan had to sprint from 9th Fairway to 14th to rescue his errant Trolley

As you can see, everyone in the area scattered  as the various parts of his body moved in opposing directions  to maintain aerobic balance

I find the deer keep the willow at the perfect height for me

Nobby Hodder   April 2023

Brian McCarthy May 2023

John Wallis June 2022

Vic Gane August 2022

Tony Stenhouse 2022

Silky Smooth Mike Burt  November 2021

Ronnie Sept 2021

Peter Smith 

Cliff Medcraff

Dave Passmore with Vic and
Keith - all Passed away
Geoff Harris 2006; Bill Phillips 2010; Bob Tanner 2011; Tony Fairbanks 2012; Martin Curtis 2013; Ray Howlett, Kevin Shaw, Mike Cox, Dave Johnson 2014; Ken Harper; Gareth Jones, Alistair Weir 2015  David Birch 2016.  James Dick., Dave Goddard