5 July 2020

Sunday 5th July 2020 Weekend Updates

Sunday 5th July 2020
Weekend Updates

Firstly, apologies for tardiness in publishing Monday's start times, Captain / KW did the 2 days ago and I have been the bottleneck.


 Norman has a list of the members that gave him  £30  for the first round of the Challenge cup which unfortunately could not take place

If anyone wishes to have cash refund please let Norman know as soon as possible otherwise he will credit their account  at the club

 normanmarkby@btinternet.com         07736 250036

Hello everyone

It has been brought to my attention that taking the bunkers out of play gives players the  disadvantage of getting cut as most are not easy playing out of a bunker or two. I am going to put this to the committee and come up with a solution that is fair to all of us. As for this qualifier the bunkers are still considered GUR. For future events we will make a decision and let everyone know before the next event.


Those who have a club account will be deducted £1.50 for entry fee and those that don't, please pay your entry fee on the day at the pro shop before or after your game depending if the shop is open at the time. Please enter your scores on the computer after your game.





Two more Matches were played in the Knockout Pairs, 
Roger & Mark overcame newcomers Dave Potter & Simon Scarborough
(JKP  still looking for Simon's Email)

Whilst in the other Quarter Final clash, Derek & Andy managed a narrow win over Barrie and Richard - not any easy combo to beat.

So the Semi Finals are now tantalising with Derek & Andy with the task no-one else has managed - to take on Jeremy & Gordon.

Our Vice-Captain , in the other semi-final is paired with Roger, who is recovering much of his old form with his clean-struck iron shots...
..paired against Long-walk Hone & Chris Rudling - a very competitive pairing indeed .

A great competition and well done to the Captain for getting it all up and running and driving the completion of the fixtures.

See the source image
..and we are the best Fourballs in the Seniors........

In the Singles, Keith Hunt advanced against Mike Miles, 3 & 2,
 Barrie played Cool-Hand Nick gabb, shot a steady nett 70 and ended up 2 holes down to Nick, who smoked 17 Fags, had 11 pars and shot a Nett 68, sometimes you have to take it on the chin.

Nick Hill shows us his current mental status, with all his aches &  pains...

I'm still booked to give my 100th pint of O-Negative on the 21st July, but uncertain if they are accepting us 'Oldies' yet...

..and Richard reminds us that despite the abuse we take from non-golfing friends, it's dangerous out there, apologies for the odd emotional swear words..

How important is that 'Fore' Shout ?

A golf ball travels at around 130 MPH, Sound Travels at 700 MPH..so with a 200 yard Drive, the Shout would arrive about 2 Seconds before the ball - I'd say that the shout is very important for this guy, 

See the source image

PS, we know certain players from Chardstock hit it faster than 130 MPH, but we think there is something in the water over there...