14 June 2020

Sunday June 14th 2020 Update

Sunday  June 14th 2020

Tomorrow's start list


Please do not create a new game on VPAR as it is already set up. Just click on the play icon and select the game.


Monday 15th June Greensomes


A Beale

C Fisk




N Cochran

D Asquith

G Brent

D Taylor


R Stone

B Barrow

J Evans

A Chance


P S-Farr

N Markby

D Potter

B Reese


E Paoloni

J Siabi

S Scarborough

A Moffatt


C Rudling

M Hone

A Rowland

D Gardener


M Leigh

D Mugridge

B Heath

I Fielder





Firstly today, we thought we'd remind you of a typical Roll-Up that used to take place on a Mon, Wed & Friday - First just before 07:45 for the Earlies and then the 'noisy-one' at 08:45 for the late risers.
We have quite a few new members who will not have seen this, when we arrive, place your name card (we supply) into the Draw and place your £1.50 upon your card .
Here the Immediate Past  Captain, attempts to control a boisterous crown for the first assembly of 2019.

Paul England was wondering why he can't get any Golfing Partners...

So firstly a bit of fun today, then an appeal for help....

  Thanks to Mike Burt...

Dear Seniors

Some of you will know that my attendance at golf has been sparse due to a building project I am undertaking in the 30 foot long Flexi-Room above our Garages.

 Diana and I have had to make a big change in our plans for the room..

Grandson Michael (18) is a prisoner in his own home due his Dad being confined to a wheelchair and at extreme risk should he contract the Virus. ( many of you will have seen him up at the Golf Club)

As if this wasn't enough, Mum, our Daughter Cathy,  works in the Special Care Baby Unit at Musgrove Hospital - and is very nervous about anything she may bring to the household. Heightened by Taunton having to take any Covid Patients from Weston whilst it was shut down !

Michael's activities are severely limited ,so he cannot Socialise, Take on a Job, Help anyone, visit his College  etc - as all would heighten the risk.

 Mum and Dad are desperate to give him a chance, so we are converting our Flex-Room into a 'Grandson Flat' for him to live until I guess a cure is found.

So many hours ( 88 Days of Lockdown actually) - of DIY  has gradually got to the final stages...

with just the bathroom & Kitchen to fit, luckily all utilities were run to the room when the house was built, including soil pipe etc . It will have a private entrance and plenty of Parking, so a very handy addition to the house. I've even got a little better at Plastering - well skimming anyway !

Wood floor is ready to lay once the messy jobs cease. I've spent 8 hours a day up there during Lockdown and the time has just flown by. trickier moments have been sneaking to Yeovil Wickes, picking up 8 foot Plasterboard, cutting to size in the Car Park and sneaking home without being spotted.

Can you spot the old Farmer's Roll-Top Desk - looking for a new home and we could deliver - just too big for the room with sloping ceilings. Used by the Bowditch Family in Misterton for 50 Years, but may need some tlc to restore. Roll-Top is in good condition, however.
Desk separates into 4 or 5 pieces for handling / removal. Any decent offer accepted.

 This has meant us having to be very bold and virtually clear our Garage of everything stored within, including some 200 Books.

As the picture shows, they are all in containers ( which you can keep) and categorised as below.


( sorry about all the stolen Sainsbury crates Andy !)

1. Language Learning - French & Spanish (20) 

2. Travel & Nature (20)

 3. Old Editions - various, maybe hidden treasures ! (10)

 4. Crafts & Things to do. (10) 

5. Teaching books for Children (20+)

 6. Music & Maths Teaching books (20+) 

7. Health & Lifestyle + 10 Novels (20+) 

8. Cookery (20+) 

9. 40 Books from 1962 'Companions Book Club'

10. Dictionaries & Reference (10)

11. DIY Manuals (10)

12. Misc plus Painting & Drawing Text Books


It would be great if they could be found a new home, and even make a few bob for some Charity supported by you or your other halves.

 They can be personally delivered to any location and  we will add in a cash donation to cover any incurred expenses.

 We would really appreciate if your vast Army of contacts could help us out as we need to create some space, with the Cars already having been evicted from their homes !

 Much appreciate you even giving this the slenderest of considerations,

 Many Thanks,

 John & Diana Pearce

Ex Book-Hoarders.

Now I'm sure there are still some red, white & blue bloods amongst you all and would wish to congratulate Her Majesty on her Official  Birthday and Prince Philip on reaching 99.

     "I've drawn Dave Mugridge in the Knockout but I've ordered him to give me 99 shots..."

It was a rather younger couple that visited HMS Tartar in 1977 to celebrate their Silver Jubilee and came down into our Messdecks to meet some of the more Senior Personnel.

It took us weeks to prepare the Ship as no slope of greater than 6 degrees was to be encountered, no steps larger than 10 inches - which is tough when the whole ship is separated by watertight doors etc.

but they did make down into the Chief's Mess where I was privileged to shake that Royal Hand.

  Yes already balding well at such a tender age.
Wow ! - that was 43 Years ago, we are getting old !

If one had chosen a better hat, 
one could have been nice and warm in the 'Roller'

my apologies for kidnapping the Blog today .,JKP
I'll delete it all once someone calls for the books...and pay a £20 fine to the Captain's Charity.