4 May 2020

Monday 4th May 2020
Lockdown Day 42 - start of 7th Week

Lots of great submissions yesterday, much appreciated - I thought you were running out..rumours hot about Government accepting  R&A proposals for an Engineered re-start within days.....

..meantime lots of Corona input as Eric sends a whole theme about alcohol...

Now I love this one, cleverly constructed and to see the colour of the Teacher's face at the end is amazing - He's a stickler got making anyone getting a call whilst in his class putting it onto loud speaker to teach them a lesson...

Sir Clive is a bit disappointed about how few famous people you have met, so he's pulled one from his library for you
It's the answer to his question 

The thing Captain Tom Moore and I have in common, we’ve both been on Blankety Blank, though not at the same time. Captain Tom was on with Terry Wogan

Frankie is joining the fun with a tricky question for you, 

For all those would be MENSA freaks out there here’s a little teaser, some of you might know the answer. (1%)

If it takes a man to walk a week in a fortnight 🚢🏼

How many apples are there, in a bunch of grapes πŸ‡

Answers on a postcard please to Colonel, the left honourable  Fred Smith, 2 battlefront close, Hastings, The Moon.

then cheekily adds.....

Hope this isn’t too intellectual for you to include.

..Got me stumped so far Frankie, but I think it lies in the start where it starts 'It takes a Man' rather than 'It takes a Week' - but I'm determined to crack it...

More from the Bridport Brydens, where more excitement has happended...

It's ironic that Ted sent this after having seen him stuck up at the Golf Club with his keys inside, on the phone saying "Judith darling, are you busy...."

This one tickled Pete 3-names fancy...

A bit naughty but think we can get away with it...

Sad news from Ed, suprised we haven't heard more...
Hi John just heard that Chris Willey (founder of EGGS)died peacefully at home in Over Stratton on the 25th April I think he was 93/94 -of course his life long friend Peter Smith died last year-so of the original group only John Andrew -Brian Macarthy and me are left- John Ravenscroft/Peter Smith/Peter Heath/Chris Willey/Ken Harper/. Great group

Here you are then, how about a quiz.

How many different species of birds have visited our garden in the last six months.
Clue.      It’s between ten and thirty, I want the names of the different species.

I will donate £50 to James’s charity if anyone gets it right.

Another ditty that I had a play with in Powerpoint to create a little movie, hope it works....

This is more about Pronunciation than Planets !

Got a lovely finish for you today, stolen from the WI again, but classy.

Heard a rumour of a restart of Golf, but we cannot perpetuate here until those in power make an announcement. Of Course any announcement may well have conditions attached for us 'Oldies' but let's hope that common sense allows us to share the fresh air up on Windwhistle Hill once more..probably about the safest place in the Country right now.

Richard sends us the definitive answer...

We should have been playing the Captain's Invitational Charity Day this week , which Stuart organises, so that is about £1000 lost from his Charity efforts , but Stuart still has hopes to re-schedule for September....

Hopefully you saw the Jimmy Saville Picture yesterday, but did you spot the tattooed Golfer in the frame. Apparently his wish was to make him a golfing bandit.

Now this one didn't come from our Captain, don't know how he missed it, slipping James !

Mike is still out wandering, doing about 10 Miles ever day. I texted him and asked if he could pop in to pick up some tomato plants that Denise had asked for, his terse reply was..
" pop in, you must be having a laugh, I'm 420 Miles away.... "

Views across Wadeford & Johnny Depp's House.

What smell is in the air from these plants....?

Eric's next Clip is a man explaining to his Wife how he has made a perfect Mask, at zero cost and using material that has no esthetic value and he was writing to Boris offering to put them into mass production. He would offer to make 100 a day, after setting up his equipment as he was a little behind at the moment...

So we feel justified in showing the next one, to avoid accusations of bias you understand....

I was chatting to Mick Aldridge over the fence yesterday, he has done all his jobs and getting somewhat restless. His batteries are charged and he has re-gripped all his Clubs. One extravagance is his new Driver, which he was testing in the garden yesterday...

Ray offers:-

I've just returned from the pub splitting my sides with laughter.

My wife couldn't understand what was so funny!

I told her that our postman had said that he had, had sex with every woman in our street except one!

I couldn't stop laughing, as I regaled her with this little snippet.

She was very non-plus as she retorted; 
"I bet it was that stuck up cow in number seven"

Now for some bravery as we feature one from the past...