1 May 2020

Friday 1st May 2020 Lockdown Day 39

Friday 1st May 2020
Lockdown Day 39

A wet Sunday greets us this morning as the World moves a step closer to normality, but what a delicate stage we are all in when you see how every Country on the Planet has different issues to deal with.

Let's start today's offerings with a chatty little note from Bim, who always brings us back to reality...
Sorry Boss !

The thing you put on about Pavorotti is rubbish, the young girl is Amira Willighagen, She was  9 years old at the time she won Holland's got talent,  singing o' mio babino caro(oh my beloved father) from the opera Gianna Schichi by Puccini,she is now sixteen and has moved to South Africa where she does loads of charity stuff for African children.

Ray tells us:-

I may be getting some more masks from an ex business associate in China, he sent me 2 boxes (100) for my family, as one of my granddaughters is a care home nurse.

I will keep you posted as they could make some seniors charity money ??

Course was looking extremely good this morning when I fed the birds.

keep safe     Ray

Found this with regard to The Drift

 A third very straight track known as The Drift was created at the time of the "enclosures" in the 19th century to give local farmers access to their newly-created fields.

Regards      Andy Rowland

Similar Trick to that of the Priest last week, still very clever...

Always look for Pam Ayres to sum things up.

More art as ..
"I got my wife to video the multitude of drawings that the children of Ilminster have hung on trees on the path to Dillington so commentary is by Lin Williams. 

Thanks Lin.

Lots of hints and news about Golf being an early starter...

Nice Picture via Clive, from Andy maybe ?

Now you have to admit, this looks a very sensible idea.....

Answers to the 'S' Game

and realism, who the hell would work in a Store these days....

Poor old Jim, never gets any peace...

Another smile for your dial...

I formally disown the next one, but to be fair they are riding the new Raleigh Black-Trail X5...

..and as the young Ladies disappear into the distance, some food for thought and a whole new interpretation of 2020 Vision..could it be  ?

Saturday again and I was wondering where the expression came from:-

….the biblical expression “40 days and 40 nights” just means a really long time.

At the time among the Jews, the number forty wasn’t generally used to signify a specific number, per se, but rather more used as a general term for a large figure.   When it was used in terms of time, it simply meant a “long time”.  Thus, the phrase “40 days and 40 nights” was just another way to say a “really long time”.

...how is it proving for you all out there ?- we'd love to hear a little snippet from you to hear how you are getting on, It's YOUR Blog you know, we are not doing this to create a new War & Pearce !

James has been doing some analysis...

and improving his Chipping.

looking for a gift for the Wife to remember this period, Jewellery always works

Mike has been wandering down 'The Drift'

or as it is known locally, Roger & Kate's Private Driveway.

Mike wonders if you know the purpose of the Drift and its history. it runs from the A30, down into South Chard Railway Station , via Bugway Lane ( The Dewars back gate) ...which has mysterious chunks of Iron imbedded into the gravel.
Mike also claims to have seen a Red Kite Yesterday..but not sure if that means we will get some daft picture today...

Rosemary Davis comments on her picture with Alan yesterday , 
You both look good to me....

"I had two minds about young Clive sending the photo of us, but this is indeed how we look right now.  Shame he didn’t wait for the Star, Bernice, to look at the camera.  We were caught out in our scruffy old fleeces, but they both have a lot of history and could tell a lot of our lives over the last 25 years!

We met a lovely Lady today in her vehicle on the top lane, married to a Farmer and had just been to Phil the Fish at Barleymow's as it was Friday (oh, so it was!).  She had just seen the first Swallows and we told her of the large deer we could see grazing in a field up the hill from our house.  She says there are quite a few deer about and fully expects some to be despatched by hungry or greedy people, so if you see anything dodgy in your travels, phone the police.

Time to sit down.

Love to you all  Rosemary."

I believe the next Video shows Mike deteriorating a little...

..and a clear 'Bleach of the Peace'..

On sale at B&Q - answer to all our problems.

Wondered where the leader of NK has been ?-
He's been found...

..and Ray tells us of some of the new Normals.

I though this one was very amusing from Eric, well timed punch line, like a Pete 3-names special...

Vulnerable Vic warns you of the perils of driving round looking for a Hair Cut in his local area

Must sign off early as I'm sneaking off to B&Q to try and beat the queue, but don't hold out much hope as the shop is fully open..

Lets finish with a bit of culture as usual, keep them coming. The whole thing was filmed in Richard Hall's kitchen, which had everything they needed.


Hard to believe that March has turned into May already and today would be a Monthly Medal.

Thanks for all the updates, plenty to add today.

Let's commence with a cynical one from Barrie Heath  and many would agree with all the smart-arse comments about woulda/shoulda/coulda - have they forgotten that we have had 3 years of Political turmoil with virtually no Government - Let's make judgements 10 Years from now when the truth is know properly.

now for the fun as Granddads show once again that you can't mess with them.

Remember the Tiger Body models the other day - when Paul England has decided to go one better,  thanks Paul.

Here's a selection we promised yesterday, with Erics pictures from the past.

Today's first bit of culture, the Granddaughter, aged 11 of Luciano Pavarotti giving it all.

Now Richard assures me this was the original advert for WD 40 1n 1964 when Alistair Campbell was just starting out in his meteoric career...

I think we are in trouble as Sir Clive is getting bored, he asks you a question...

John, I get withdrawal symptoms if I don’t think about asking you to post something on the blog.

"What have Captain Tom and I in common when we both met 7 celebrities? "

If you could list the answers on the Blog, I’ll send photographic evidence on Monday.


David W writes:-

...an ode to dear old Ron Sutherland.....Cheers and hope you are keeping well  ...David

Raymond send in one showing   Ed in Scotland  - I think that's what he said..

Clive sends you a Pub Quiz to test your knowledge

 - but no cheating please....

This one is very clever and stolen from the Tatworth Ladies once more, those of you that love the Queen on her 93rd Birthday will admire this one, especially Vulnerable Vic who must have known her all of his adult life, which is open for debate !

Let's have a laugh, with another from Captain James, showing the training & techniques required for Ilminster Tesco shopping and one scene near the end of peter 3-Names at his 3rd Birthday Party...

another from the Ladies...