17 April 2020

Friday 17th April 2020
Lockdown Day 25 - another 21 Days...
not sure what happened to the rain yesterday, thought we were in for a downpour - but we certainly had a downpour of submissions for the Blog thank you very much, keep them coming please although it does take me 3 hours every morning to sort them and get them posted...

First Attempt - few teething problems but got up to 19 participants - well done for giving it a go.

Let's start by waking you up with a 'Start' but Labrador owners may not be too surprised at the ending...

> Hi Everyone hope you and family are well.

I thought this was a good one for all dog lovers.

Bob Rees

Captain James has set you a few posers for the Day....

As Captain Tom Moore approaches an incredible £26,000,000.00 we have a couple of Videos today from Edmundo ( who sent it 5 times) and David I think

but just to restore the balance for you non-Liverpool supporters

Now the next one I have rejected twice as I was nervous, but I have been beaten into submission, so hopefully we get away with it...

Now I'll leave you with this one for a while, as it is very thought provoking and augurs much strife in the Years ahead if it proves to be true ..bit scary really...

More updates later including some History from Clive Sinclair Junior....

It's a soggy Saturday, so let's start with answering some of the posers we set yesterday...

From Dave W - One of my favourites..........but please excuse the French!!

A young family moved into a house next door to an empty plot.
 One day, a gang of building workers turned up to start building on the plot:

The young family's 5-year-old daughter naturally took an interest in all the activity going on next door and started talking with the workers.

She hung around and eventually the builders, all with hearts of gold, more or less adopted the little girl as a sort of project mascot. They chatted with her, let her sit with them while they had tea and lunch breaks, and gave her little jobs to do here and there to make her feel important.

They even gave the child her very own hard hat and gloves, which thrilled her immensely.

At the end of the first week, the smiling builders presented her with a pay envelope - containing two pounds in 10p coins. The little girl took her 'pay' home to her mother who suggested that they take the money to the bank the next day to open a savings account.

At the bank, the female cashier was tickled pink listening to the little girl telling her about her 'work' on the building site and the fact she had a 'pay packet'.

"You must have worked very hard to earn all this." Said the cashier.

The little girl proudly replied. "Yes, I worked every day with Steve and Wayne and Mike. We're building a big house."

“My goodness gracious." Said the cashier. "And will you be working on the house again next week?”

The child thought for a moment. Then she said very seriously:

“I think so. Provided those w****ers at Jewsons deliver the f***ing bricks on time.”

So then came in a submission from Steve Holt, who has been extremely busy over in Chardstock

"Firstly, I hope you are all well, coping and making the most of this weather (until today that is!)

There's been a bit on the blog about what people have been up to during the "lockdown" and I thought I'd share my travails.

I was fortunate enough  to get a timber delivery before Bradford's shut things down to trade customers only.  So I've been pluttering around, building a treehouse around an old wild cherry tree in our garden.

Now need this virus to go away so that  the grand children can come and enjoy it.

Take care


The first thing they'll say is
"Can we build a Den Underneath granddad ?"

Pretty Impressive Steve !

It was really nice to get a call from Frank & Alyson martin over in Somerton, who are still out & about as they have lots of work to do in the CARE community.

Thay wanted to share with you how he can nip into the Potting Shed an create things with those artistic hands of his.

Fact - Did you know that Years ago, Frank Martin, Bim Morfitt and Reiner Winkler all worked down in Cricket St Thomas plying their respective trades ?

Anyway Frank sent us the worlds longest Video , some 544 Megabytes which we couldn't handle on the Blog so it had to be trimmed, so we'll attempt to upload it here.

Frank writes:-

So you all think that you have got away with your handicap review...well I guess you’re right . I’m a bit busy doing this stuff. Hope you enjoy my bit of ego nonsense.

..and it's still  60 Megs at that !"

Tony Church joins our list of contributors
Oops !

From last Year's captain: Hi Folks -  Intended to grow a tash until the end of lock down but as it does not

tickle Jan's fancy it's coming off tomorrow. Had a 'Viva' Zappartta

jobby when I was 22, just realised what a helmet I must have

looked like! Still nice try eh? P.

"Born to Golf" - we'll be the judge of that !

"What I need now is a way of being seen in public, but still consuming alcohol...."

Richard's submission solves all your  problems Peter  in one device....

How about this for perfect Child Behaviour !

Friday Posts
Where shall we start today, I just couldn't do this without all of your contributions , all I have to do is play a little and post them. Few from Nick today, well done.

First a puzzle from James

Got answers from Farmer Bob, Nick H, Neil C - all with the correct Answer of 11+13 with the 9 Ball rotated to become a 6, but we challenged them to justify the 'trick'.

James was very strict in his adjudication in that in Pool, the Coloured Balls are numbered  1 to 8 and the Stripes are numbered 9 to 15 - So the Green ball above is actually a 6-ball anyway !!!

It was a White Polar Bear as the only place where you look South in every direction is at the North Pole, where the Penguins insist all the bears remain.

From Nick..

Sick Car Mechanic

King Phillip III of Spain -    "Fill-Up-Three"...sorry

It is of course an anagram of One Word
Message from 90 Year-Old Victor

Thanks for all the laughs, John. I feel lucky to be self isolating in a big house with a garden for exercise. Support and care from family, friends and the community is terrific.  I had hoped that the NHS letter would have misspelt “vulnerable” as “venerable”. Would not mind being Venerable Vic, on the other hand they might have misspelt is as “Venereal”. !!!!

The blog is now far more entertaining over breakfast than reading about all Bob’s DQs, and how Brian has lost his waterproof!! But I do feel sorry for all you fit lads just raring to do 18 again.

Best wishes to all,


Another Teaser from James

A Pentagon sits on a flat with an apex above it, so there is a ZERO chance of the Logo being uppermost !

Ahhhhhhh  !

Rod tells us of his new book and some of the Chapter headings...

Hi John

You may have seen this and if not you may need to edit before putting on blog even if you decide too.
Hope your well.  Cheers   Rod

Hi Everyone

I kept this very quiet but I have written a book and am quite proud of the results and, in order to market the publication, I'm asking friends and family to spread the news about this essential read. This book on golf gives the reader valuable playing tips and insider information that I have gained through my 20+ years of golfing experience.   

Highlights  include:   

Chapter 1)  How to Properly Line Up Your Fourth Putt   
Chapter 2) How to Hit a Maxfli ball from the Rough when You just Hit a Titleist from the Tee  

Chapter 3)  How to Get More Distance off the Shank   
Chapter 4)  When to Give the Greenkeeper the Finger   
Chapter 5)  Proper Excuses for Drinking Beer Before  09:00 
Chapter 6)  How to Find That Ball That Everyone Else Saw Go in the Water   
 Chapter 7)  How to Relax When You Are Hitting Three off the Tee   
 Chapter 😎  How to Relax When You Are Hitting Five off the Tee   
 Chapter 9)  When to Suggest Major Swing Corrections to Your Opponent   

The  book also includes some GOLF TERMINOLOGY
(As you suggested Rod, a little too tasty for the BLOG)

Still have Six Eggs as the other events are Past-Tense

Not to be out-done, Richard Holmes joins our list of contributors with the books he had read so far, which he says were gifts from 'Clients' of his in a previous Career !

Poor old Alexa getting some stick..or is it Allegra ?

I'm a Playing Card - the  King of Spades.