30 March 2020

Monday 30th March Lockdown Day 7

Monday 30th March 
Lockdown Day 7 - a week has passed

It's that guilty look on his face ….

From Dave M  a Dog lover.

From Bob & Jane

I Guess they are missing the Humans down there....

Had a chat with Farmer Bob last Night, reporting he and Margaret are fine and being looked after by the family.  They went to Waitrose on 1st Day of Lockdown ( last Tues) and got there at 07:30 to grab a Parking Space..only to find they were the only Car in the place -   So they sat there for half an hour before going in to shop - but they haven't been out since.
They have been working hard on the Quiz we posted - with about 12 solved. I had to help with No.1 -

X= Ten

ING = Down ING

St = Street

You can always scroll down further in the BLOG by clicking on 'Older Posts' at the bottom right.
In Blogging parlance - a 'Post' is like Posting a Notice on the Wall, i.e. a Poster.

They nearly got No.17 with 'North South Divide" but the correct answer is....

I was thinking of doing another quiz soon, one of those where you fill in the missing words...


In G _ _ _  , a T _ _ _ _    W_ _ _ _   is the N _ _ _ _ _ _ _  for a P _ _ _ _ R  when used 
from O _ _  the G _ _ _ _.

but based on more global Topics.

what do you reckon - why not submit your own phrase that we could blank out and add to the Quiz - at least you'd get one right...

Music Lyrics, Piece of Prose, Feat in History, sporting, cooking, TV - any subject to share it around.

Robert Pershing Wadlow  was an American Man who was the tallest person in recorded history  at 8 Feet 11 Inches  ( and we'd just blank out some words.)

The scenario seems to be firming up and heading towards more like 6-weeks than the initial 3, which was just a date for re-assessment.
We hear of a couple of cases over in Winsham have appeared, so it's certainly all around us.

Did anyone get the NHS Letter with the Increased Isolation that they were sending to the "more vulnerable" amongst us, would be great to see a copy and maybe post it ( no names).

Has anyone solved the Puzzle we posted to win a Loo Roll - do you need some help ?
The First Answer is where our very sick leader lives...

Mike  speaking to a friend earlier who's in hospital, on one of those new Dyson ventilators...
I asked him how he was getting on and he said he was picking up nicely... 😊

Thanks Mike, all helps to fill this Vacuum !

Chris R is getting all sentimental about his Golfing Gear....