14 October 2019

Monday 14th October
Cyder Cup Four Balls


Watch the Fishermen at Lyme leaving this morning

Miserable day for part one of the Seniors Cyder Cup, this was the four ball element.
 As usual we had dropouts, mostly on medical grounds, which meant a number of people played as a singleton against a pair.
 It was not possible to re-arrange the groups as it would mean that
players would end up representing both the Capt and Vice teams as the week progresses.

Not surprisingly none of the single players won their match.
A big 'thank you' to Nick Hill for organising this competition and he announced that after
this round team Vice ( James Siabi ) leads team Capt ( Pete SF) by the score of 8 to 5.  

Early days but I don't understand how James, who is still somewhere over the North Atlantic, is in the lead following the inspirational team talk from myself. 

Wednesday is the foursomes and catch up is required before the singles.

For the record:-
         Captain    5                        Vice          8                 Score

John Evans/ Ian Fielder        Won            Chris Rudling/ Lyndsey Gage    2&1

Toss Smith                            Lost             Ed Paoloni/ John Bonney          5&4

John MacOmish/ Bob Rees  Won             Eric Williams/ Nobby Hodder    6&4

Phil Dewar/ Sid Crisp ( Dubious?) Half     Martin Leigh/ Robin Flower        Half

Norman Markby/ Rich Hall    Half             Michael Hone/ George Willerton Half

John Pearce/ Rod Young     Won             Rich Agar/ Roger Withers           3&1

Alan Chance/ Martyn Putland Lost           Dave Taylor/ Jeremy Stephens  1 Up

Bob Barrow/ Bert Robinson  Lost             Gordon Brent/ Alan Davis          3&2

Ian Griffiths/ Peter S. Farr    Won              Brian Marsh                               1 Up

Frank Martin                          Lost             Ian Housham/ Bob Hollingworth  1 Up

Roger Stone/ Andy Beale     Lost              Mark Cording/ Ron Sutherland   7&6

Roger Hinds/ Paul Mathews Lost              Chris Gingell/ Derek Gardener    4&3

Mick Aldridge                        Lost              Neil Cochran/ David Asquith       9&7

Peter Spencer-Farr Seniors Capt.

Roger made a superb '2' on the 13th to reduce the deficit to Young Pearce. 
Richard made his Par 3 on the 9th, but luckily didn't get a shot.

Ground very soft everywhere, definitely time for Winter Rules.

as persistent rains more or less took the greens out of play by the end...what a great effort by Frankie, playing all alone and just losing on the last despite giving them both shots ...think we need a different formula for one against 2 matches.

..but he is partnered with Roger Hinds on Wednesday.. then again Gordon Brent is paired with Chris Gingell..should be interesting...