30 October 2015

Rollup  – 30th October 2015


The usual crowd turned up for the scheduled rollup, a Canadian Greensomes. Some sixteen members also headed off to Enmore Park for the final match of the season.

Most set off early to beat the traffic, but with the School Holidays it was only a 40 minute drive, so we had to switch the lights on in the Clubhouse. A long day was made even longer as the Chef claimed no-one had told her the clocks went back recently, so she was readying the meal for 17:00 with the 1st out being back in the Clubhouse by 14:00 so it was a long wait for the Portuguese Stew & Fried bread, which was way tastier than it sounds. Not a drop of rain fell on us up at Enmore and it reached 19 Degrees, although they had put us on Temporaries due to recent heavy rain. Talking about heavy, Nobby & Richard went down heavy to their opposition by a Dog-Licence. J-Mac and Dickie, Mike & Barry, Alan & Andy also lost . Norman lost cruelly by 1 hole as the locals chipped in from a distance in front of a big audience in the Clubhouse. Stewart salvaged a half as did Barrie Heath playing on his own as Robin failed to show, which was a shame as we had so many reserves. The only winners of the day were Bryan Frost and his modest partner. Having been up for the whole round, then going 2 down after 15, Bryan pulled it back to all square after the 17th. When his partner suggested they offer the Enmore team a 'Half' - he vehemently rejected the idea and insisted it was played to the finish, which fortunately he won to give the Captain his only full point of the day, going down 6 games to 2 overall.

..Back Home...
A strong wind was blowing over Cricket St Thomas which together with the rain offered little incentive to brave the elements. So the assembly of Nick Hill, Malcolm Roy, Chris Basterfield, Vic Gane, Bill Hilson and the 4th reserve for the Enmore match (Bob Barrow) put the world to rights. They listened to when Vic was made the butt of a joke by Vic Marks; how Vic broke a tooth, courtesy of Ian Botham; and were impressed when Bill recognised Kiradech Aphibarnrat on Sky Sports; and finally laughed at four mad men on the first tee.


Having rolled up, they rolled out at 10:15.


On a more serious note, I have been speaking to Malcolm Roy about the Winter League. In order to have a chance of getting in 8 rounds before April, the first round will be played on November 16th, the first rollup following the AGM (the schedule on the web site will be amended). If you have not organised a partner, please do so asap as anyone rolling up on a Winter League day will not be treated as a priority. If you don't have a partner, just put up your name and someone will almost certainly pair up with you.


Remember, although the rules for 4BBB change in January to 90%, the rule will stay at ¾ for the duration of the competition. In the event of team member not being available, his partner will play using his full handicap. Alan Davis has agreed to run this competition.

"Until the locker room refurbishment is completed, will members please put your score  cards in the grey box attached to the filing cabinet, unless you can hand it directly to the captain or scrutineer in the sports bar. The filing cabinet is  currently in the second squash court on the right."



Nick Hill 30/10/2015