Gala Dinner Report - 24th October
Happy birthday to Cricket St Thomas Golf Club - and lots of accolades to Steve and Jackie Hill for all their work and investment in the Club.
To be honest the final numbers must have been disappointing to have around 80 show their support but it was to our advantage as the event was moved indoors and showed what a great facility we now have, with Dining Room beautifully laid out, Lounge Area cleared for Dancing and Buffett and the Sports Bar to meet&greet then socialise afterwards.
18 Seniors were the best dressed in Dickie-bows whereas Pete H-W didn't even bother to put a tie-on.
We lost Ted & Judith at the last minute, due to dental problems.
Dining Room was laid out for 80 and Tables were beautifully decorated by Tess.
J-Mac calculating if we could get our 94 in there in 2-weeks time. Note they used the taller chairs which are much better with those tables.
Our first Table was right bang in the centre. Robin; Sylvia; Dickie, Jennifer, John, Judy, Norman, Sue, John & Diana.
2nd Table was a little sparse with the missing Brydens and Bim & Helen still slurping a couple of Pinot Grigiots.
After an excellent meal, which started with a Smorgasbord of meats and fruits, followed by a help-yourself buffet with Turkey, Beef, Ham, Salmon and all the trimmings...and then another board appeared on each table with Lemon Torte, Profiteroles and Chocolate Cake, with cream..and only about 50% got eaten as there was so much on offer.
Then a bit of blah-blah as main prizes were presented with poor old Mark Tubbs trying to talk over a lot of yapping...
Then we retired to the lounge to get the best seats, incurring a bollocking en-route as the Captain, Paul Manley hadn't made his speech yet...just time for Brian Anderson to scoop one of the raffle prizes...
with the group playing in the
background and Jackie looking a million dollars getting it all started...with 3 hours still to go.
..but for some it was all a bit too much...
What this all shows is what a great facility to Club now has to bring in some revenue as I couldn't think of a better place to hold that Family Party, young or old and the Staff were absolutely excellent all night..but I forgot to leave a tip which I'll correct on Monday, sorry Team.