13 January 2025

Friday 17th January 2025

( No Golf Wed 15th - Foggy till Noon)

3 Ball Bowmaker- 1,2,3 

Wow- what a Roll Up as 08:45 group arrived ..and just kept on coming.

Captain estimated 48 in total - which is a lot for a Friday when rest of Club Members tend to play.

Lots in the early Roll Up- Jeremy, Clive, Roger, Ian, , Gordon, Mark K , Dennis, Mark S , Steve S

Then Keefunt started sending out teams ahead of the Draw, 

Top 3 Teams as shown below went out ahead of draw, then the rest followed.  I was in group 12 and we teed-off at 10:06.

I recounted this to Jeremy, who was about to take a wonder-shot under a tree to the green - when he replied " That would drive me crazy" - 

Ironically, this would have been a perfect day to have a few groups start on the 16th. It would not only have kept a few of us warm, and in before  14:00 - but it would have removed the cork in the bottle as  younger Club Players gradually backed up behind us - which is great when 3 or 4 teams walk off after 15th.

Anyway, Captain introduced Roger Evans(CH 9) and his Brother in Law Chris Chapman(CH6) - both from Beaminster- ex  West Bay Golf Club. Also there was Graham Lloyd(CH23)whom I never got the chance to chat to.

Chris playing off 4, with Muggo on 3 - were overshadowed by their 3rd Player - The Mayor of Chaffcome who scored on first 3 holes...

6 Teams had a "2" today 

Nice to see Steve Holt back - who's had an RSV cough for past few Months; Bob White who's had so many problems I was reaching for the razor-blades.

Tim Purrett had an eventful drive over from deepest Chardstock - having to lie in a frozen pothole and change a wheel on his car..

We were all impressed when Miss Marple's adopted Son, Terry told us that Course was Fog Free at 07:15..untill we discovered he was still in bed and had Googled the Club !

Monday 13th January 2025

Re your blog headline, it's not just a two horse race; with 2 discards Maxwell & Summers actually lead by 2 points.  But how can someone with the name Summers win the Winter League?!

         NC  aka   " the Bean Counter"