16 September 2024

Sunday 29th  September 2024

Captain's Update - AGM Wed 13th November.

Seniors, this year’s AGM will be a slightly different format from recent years. I have posted the following notices on the board in the changing room.

 Thanks    Andy

Friday 27th September 2024

Stuart's comments on Wheathill.         After more heavy rain overnight expected that it might be cancelled.  Very wet underfoot with many hidden pools. Weather improved to bright sunshine by the finish.             Mentioned in my 20 minute speech that the 'greens were excellent'. Then corrected  "Sorry that statement should have been  with "thanking the caterers'".   

Blog Note :  The clever innuendo in Captain Pope's Speech, was to draw in the audience with reference to the 'excellent greens" - then cleverly switch it from Agriculture to Haute Cuisine - indicating that it was the crispy al-dente broccoli that he was complimenting.

  Many tight matches making it  a very enjoyable day.


.    1. S. Pope 26.8 & A. Chance.25.5  L 4&3. 

     2 K. Hunt 17.9 & J.Siabi 20.9  L by 1.

    3 M. Cording 11.9 & Charles Summer 23.3 Halved.  

    4. Rob Shelley  13.1 & M. Leigh. 18.8  W  5&4.  

    5. R. Williams 19.6 & B. Heath. 16.7.   L on 18 

    6. R. Stone 18.9  & B. Barrow 18.3.    Didn't play personal buggies not allowed   

           Match result.         L 1.5 to 3.5

Thursday 26th September 2024

Sign up to play on the notice board

Wednesday 25th September 2024

Monday 23rd September 2024

 2 from 3 Discard

Holes 4,5,9,11,15 Played as Par 5 Holes.

Thanks to Chris & Quinny for ratifying the results using his Enigma Variation Machine - Club Computer cannot handle making the 4th a Par 5 and then discarding 3 holes..not to mention merging numbers from Paul England the Phantom Pro.

Congrats to Jeremy & his early trio that nabbed the only "2"  of the day..and were just a point or two from winning everything...thank goodness for Derek's Birdie on 18th...and Martyn's amazing putting routine...

"Club face square,  feet together, strong grip, trust the read and hit through the ball"...and he never missed one all day.

Jim's September Raffle Prizes

Winners of September raffle are in the picture. prizes will be in the pro shop by Friday

1st golf balls 1 box .

2nd golf balls 1 box.

3rd Umberella.

4th golf cap Taylormade.

5th bottle DalWhinnie Scotch.

6th bottle of Bells scotch.

Thanks to all who bought tickets. October raffle has 6 prizes Captains last big push guys for a bumper amount of money for his charity  SSAFA

Aye, The name's familiar but

I dinna seem to recognise the Wallet !

Friday  20th September 2024

Apologies for comments made about Early Golfers in Wednesday game. Thoughtless language was used which caused unintended offence.

In the background yesterday, a mighty tussle took place as Dave Mugridge & Tony Roy clashed in the Final of the Club Competition - The Bethel Cup.

Not for the faint-hearted as they teed-off at 09:00 and then 13:00   for the 36 Hole Final.

En-route to the final, Tony had to get past some fancy golfers in his half of the draw; Ian Hildred; Steve Sutcliffe; Roger Hinds; Kevin Barry  to name but a few.

In the other half, Muggo  seemed to have to play the more exotically named golfers such as Luke De Pasquale and Ian D'Arvelle.

We passed Dave at halfway and he looked confident - 8 Up after the first 18 Holes.  

We see on the Club Computer this morning that only Dave Mugridge remained.

The Chard & Ilminster  asked Dave for a few comments on his amazing feat.....

"..but then on the 33rd hole, I creamed a 7-iron 193 Yards - but to tell the truth, caught it 1 grove lower than ideal so had a 27 foot 3/1 inch Putt to go 15 up.

.....we crossed to hole 34 and - something unusual happened......

For goodness sake....it's only a local rag, not the  flipping Golf Digest !!!

Anthony Roy 

We have to let you old guys win now and again,

I'll be back  next Year to try again.

Meantime, It's a cream-tea for me and then round to Dad's tonight 

to tell him the full story.

Dad , is of course Malcolm Roy who graced the Seniors for many years and was a stalwart of the EGGS Group.

Result from Thursday  friendly with Axe Cliff

 CST won 4&2. Well done all.

Wednesday 18th September 2024

Alastair Purcell

Good morning Andy

 Alastair’s funeral arrangements are:

 Taunton Crematorium,  Thurs 3rd October at 11.20 am and afterwards.1pm at the golf club. 

 Please could you pass this on to any members who might wish to attend. 

 Many thanks


Wow, that was a busy one as Late Roll-Up vastly exceeded Tee Allocation and Captain Andy  was forced to make adjustments.

34 Rolled up for 3-Ball Scramble and we were way past last tee- time with a Society booked - so Captain made it a 4-ball  thanks to Danny & Good-Evans volunteering to go out as a 

Summer Knockout Singles 

Almost 50 Entered this Singles Match play Comp but by today- just 2 remained.

Vice Captain Keith Hunt ( 18) strode off ahead of 16 Handicapper Wayne Salter.

A well deserved win for Wayne.  Was all square until the 17th when the Vice decided not to play golf anymore, but Wayne won the final 2 holes in style beating the Vice and winning  2 Up

Summer Knockout 4BBB

Another 50 entered this Comp with their chosen partners as some of the 'chosen-ones' exited stage-left early on.

Today there were  just 4 Golfers who shared 6 Names.

Peter 3-Names talks tactics with Roger Williams whilst on the right, Chris & Ian share tic-tacs  as both had been out drinking the night before.

We passed Peter on  the 15th  ( whilst the other 3 were on 9th ) - and he admitted he had not yet hit form but Roger was playing really well-.

Ok Roger had a great day he was by far the best player on the day. Chris & Ian  were 2 up at one stage but Roger & Peter reversed it to them being 2 up and Pete’s 5 nett 4 was good enough for a half on 17 (no one should have a shot on 17) but I’m not bitter...writes our independent Reporter  who may have just revealed a slight bias !

Captain Writes :- Well done to everyone that entered this Competition and James for keeping it on schedule by his ever-so polite nagging.  Congratulations to the Winners who will be adorned with Silverware at the AGM on Wed 13th November.

Tony, Mark & Bob walk off 5th with a Birdy 4 ...They carded a Gross 66, nett 55.7 which felt like it was a couple short with bogies on 3rd and 14th - but it was tough into that wind today...

Warm welcome to our newest Senior - Brian Smith  another proud Scotsman and living in Broadway...good impression of our first Roll-Up.....he asked "Is it always this busy ?"

Monday 16th September 2024