18 October 2019

Cyder Cup Singles

Cyder Cup Final Day - Singles

I could easily have pulled the plug on the golf today as the early morning weather was

miserable and the 18th green was partially waterlogged. So I will claim that I made a

brave decision in playing, which proved to be fully justified as, but for a very brief shower,

the course was perfectly acceptable. The Cyder Cup over three sessions is universally 

liked as it is something different. Many players rarely if ever play fourballs or foursomes.

This week we did have a problem of absentees and there is some discussion about

bringing the competition forward next year as it is difficult to predict the weather in October.

At the end of the Week Vice's team triumphed over the Captain's team by 27 & 1/2 to 23 & 1/2.

Quite close but congratulations to James. It will soon be his Captain's year and he is already

off to a winning way. All members of his team will receive a pro rata payout whether they won

their matches or not.

Today's results are as follows:- Capt 12 1/2  Vice 13 1/2

Capt                         Vice                               Capt                      Vice

Barrie Heath Lost to Mark Cording 4 & 2       Roger Stone halved with Dave Taylor

Martyn Putland Beat Nobby Hodder 6 & 5     Captain Beat Vice 5 Up

                                                                        Chris Gingell Beat Roger Hinds

John MacOmish Lost to Lyndsey Gage 5 & 4  Bob Rees Lost to George Willerton 2 & 1

Clive Fisk Beat Ian Frost (Rtd)                         John Pearce Lost to Brian Marsh 5 & 3

Toss Smith Lost to Jerry Stephens 4 & 2          John Evans halved with Richard Agar

Alan Chance Lost to Derek Gardener 3 & 2     Bob Barrow Lost to Gordon Brent 3 & 2

Frank Martin Beat Ian Housham 4 & 3             Jerry Blackburn Beat Edmundo 6 & 5

Chris Andrews Beat Bob Hollingworth 2 Up     Norman Markby halved with Rod Stevens

Rod Young Lost to Mark Sanders 3 & 1           Paul Mathews Lost to Roger Withers 4 & 3

Dickie Hall  Lost to Neil Cochran 2 Up             Mick Aldridge Beat Nick Hill 7 & 5

Sid Crisp Beat Ken Trott 2 & 1                          Ian Fielder Halved with Colin Ireland

Bert Robinson Beat John Bonney 5 & 4           Jim MacDonald Halved with Eric Williams

Rod Laverton Beat David Asquith 1 Up.

Peter Spencer-Farr - Seniors Captain